MovieChat Forums > Maladolescenza (1977) Discussion > I think its a great movie!

I think its a great movie!

I think, this is a very great movie, shows, how evil kids can be. The
location is beautiful. This is not a movie for kiddyporn-lovers,
because there are no explicit sex-scenes. The soundtrack is very
dramatic and sometimes funny, like kids are too! Sure, the storyline in
this movie are poor, but there is no need for. The movie is a work of


I would not say it is a great movie, it is certainly interesting- having had my copy (which seems to be uncut, btw) courtesy of about a week ago, my first thought was "how did they get away with this??" I didn't buy it for the child nudity, rather for the fact that I like controversial movies, but I can see why a lot of people WOULD look at it for dodgy reasons. It is certainly uncomfortable viewing, in parts.




Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


Right on STEFANPOLKE!! I agree with everything you say except the storyline being poor. I dont quite understand that, it is an interesting, thought provoking and really a classic morality tale.
But that aside, your assessment made me smile. These threads on this movie are so full of PARANOIA and PEDOPHOBIA that it makes me sad for the level of non-thinking that fill these commentors heads. Pedophilia is the national boogeyman, that colors all our thinking, whether its well-founded or not.
All the talk about the movie being illegal etc, spouted out by people that only half understand the pornography laws, is ridiculous.
"Yes, you might have heard some naughty things about it : BUT IT IS A COMPLETELY LEGAL CERTIFIED FILM PRODUCTION."
The laws on pornography stipulate that a pornographic work must be without socially redeeming values. This entire work is a virtual compendium of socially redeeming values. Thats why theres never been a court case involving this movie as being pornographic.
One only has to read PETER NEAL's GREAT contribution to these threads, where he translated the poem that appears at the end of the movie, to understand this.
Thank you very much Peter for this contribution.
I would wager that 3/4 of the commentors on this movie have never seen it and are simply running their mouths with their stupidity.
Also on the dissing of the ebay sellers of the film, I bought this film from a "dupper" on Ebay, my copy is indeed uncut, unfogged and perfect quality. I paid 12 dollars U.S. for it. I first saw the original in a film criticism class not to long after its release. It was shown to the class, and we discussed its merits. I wish some of the idiots who have written into these threads could have heard the consensus among the 25 people who watched and discussed this film. The group feeling was that this was indeed a classic.
And there was no sense that we were watching a "porno" or a "pedos" movie. Its not embarrassing to watch in a group, everything is tasteful and beautifully made. The sex scenes are not overplayed, this is nottt porno.
This country was founded by pilgrims who's puritanical thought processes still seek to destroy everything they don't understand. Pure and simple.
And by the way, Eva is not the most beautiful girl in this movie even. She is a cute 12 year old, but her looks are perfect type-casting for the role she was playing. Lara is perfect for her role. But if you understand beauty, you know that it is not a "contest". There is not a "most beautiful" person. All god's creatures have their own beauty, and the Miss America cult always misses the boat with what really constitutes beauty. Lara in the movie, shines with beauty,
and Eva reflects a hard, cold ugliness that comes from the basic nature of the role that she is playing.




