
I've started watching this movie again, and I'm just curious about a few things:

1.) Who was the person with the hairy werewolf arms that killed Pat at the beginning? I don't believe they ever explained who that was, exactly. Was it supposed to be the Romanian guy/handyman?

2.) Why exactly did they kill the blind piano player? They seemed to purposely make the dog attack the boy, from what I saw. Was the blind piano teacher onto them or something? Maybe I've missed something, but that's also kinda confused me.

Maybe I'm just a fool and need to pay more careful attention.


1) I believe it's not relevant to the story. The first killer is someone who works for the witches, or perhaps a random person who was controlled by them. It could have been the Romanian guy or maybe it was some poor innocent sap who was manipulated and was under no control of his own actions.

2) Your theory about the witches staging the whole thing with the dog makes sense, but I have a different theory. I don't know if the witches made the dog attack the boy, I think the dog actually attacked the kid because there was something "evil" about him, and it is said that animals can perceive "evil". On the other hand, it is clear that Daniel (the pianist) was onto them, as he leaves the place yelling "I am blind, but not deaf", implying that he knew more than people gave him credit for. Perhaps, somehow the witches realized that Daniel was onto them and, just like you assumed, they staged the whole thing with the dog, as an excuse to kick him out and get rid of him for good. The question is: Why would they even bother staging the whole thing? They might as well just let Daniel leave with the dog and manipulate the animal so it would attack him, without creating a whole scene previously.

So, my personal theory is this: Daniel knew that Miss Tanner, Madame Blanc and the rest of the women were witches, but the witches weren't aware of this. The dog genuinely attacks Bruno, because he senses something wicked about him. Miss Tanner walks into the room and kicks Daniel out because of the incident with the dog, and when Daniel is leaving and yells "I am blind, but not deaf", that's when Miss Tanner realizes that Daniel was onto them, and she decides to manipulate the dog to kill him later.

I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation - Maleficent


1.) I always assumed Pat was killed by whoever was killed before her, controlled by Helena Marcus herself, as it would eventually happen with Sara, who would be killed by Pat.

2.) I think the piano player was basically killed for showing disrespect.
