
Finally gave this a proper rewatch after probably a good 20 years. Still a classic film, but the buildup and story were much more boring than what I remember. Acting was comical at times too. However, the last 20 minutes were very good. A+ for creepy music as well.


That was always the thing Halloween. Very little actually happens. Most of it is just Jamie Lee Curtis seeing a man in the distance, and Donald Pleasance wondering aimlessly around looking for Michael.

Watching it yesterday, it was better than I remembered. It goes for the slow burn. Most slashers are stab, stab, stab. Blood, blood, blood. Boobs, boobs, boobs. Whereas Halloween was more tense and atmospheric. (And boobs.)


Yes, it does go for a slower approach which there is nothing wrong with that. It just wasn't as good as I remember, but it is still a classic for the genre and one of the best for its time.

I just remembered a much more suspenseful buildup, but probably too conditioned nowadays from more modern films.
