MovieChat Forums > Magic (1978) Discussion > Does the dummy's face 'morph' anywhere i...

Does the dummy's face 'morph' anywhere in the film?

Well, I'm completely ignoring my work right now because these boards about MAGIC are so fascinating to me. I can't believe how many of us there are who were so traumatized by the image of this dummy.

My question is this: Is there any scene in the movie where the face of Fats, the dummy, looks like it's changing from benign to evil in a close-up? Perhaps it's just a close-up of its face as its changing expressions.

The reason I ask is that I remember an ONtv commercial circa 1979/1980 which included this clip in it. Since I've never seen the movie, I'm just curious if my memory's correct.



I noticed that too. I don't think it has anything to do with Fats "morphing" so much as it was a less-than-subtle attempt by the movie makers that we weren't supposed to pick up on that he would be more menacing at certain times than others. But being one of those that was "traumatized" as a child, I can tell you for a fact there are images of him that aren't that bad, and others that are unbearable to look at. There had to be more than one dummy used.

...because EVERYONE is entitled to my opinion.


It's my understanding that they did indeed use 2 dummies in the movie. I've watched the film several times now, and from what I've noticed, Fats' face looks rather plump, cute and almost cartoonish for about half of the movie. Then he "changes" during the scene where Corky and Peggy are making love. He doesn't "morph" or anything...I believe this is where the switch takes place. From that point on, he is MUCH more fact, I believe that this "second" dummy is the one used in the infamous "abracadabra" commercial.

Hope this helps!

I hope you can see this, because I'm doing it as hard as I possibly can



The First dummy the one thats "less" evil was used in the trailer. if you look closely the evil one has a longer face and cheekbones.
but in any case the one used in the commercial was vary creepy to millions who ran from the TV in horror!!


The dummy that was used in the trailer (the one with the poem) was most definitely the "evil" one.

You can tell the difference between the two version by the eyes and the brow/forehead:

The evil one has smaller, more realistic eyes. Whereas the non-evil one has bigger more cartoony eyes where you can see much more of the "whites" of each eye.

The brow (right above the nose) on the evil doll has a heavy crease/furrow right down the center (like an upside-down "Y"), where as the non-evil doll does not have this crease at all. It is very easy to see the difference by looking for this.

The last time you see the non-evil doll is in the scene where the doll says "Was you thinking about her?" where you see him sitting in the chair. In the next scene that you see the doll, it is the evil version, looking towards the camera while the two have "fun" in bed.


Yes You are right! But for some reason the trailer dummey,s face seems to be rounder than in the sceen where hes sitting on the couch while they are in bed. But i think its just the lightin and angle. Also the funny and stupid thing is, they never mention the fact that there where two dummy,s in the DVD interview with dennis Aldwood. He never indulges it!


There were several dummies. I used to work with a guy whose father was Michael White who worked on this film. He designed the dummies..each one slightly different from the previous one as it starts to look more and more like Anthony Hopkins


It's not so much a matter of the face changing anyway. Probably the most creepy effect is when the dummy continues to move after Corky lets go of him. It's brief but it happens at least once. Also, the scene where Corky is pretending to be Fats, hiding around the corner from the wooden heart, Corky is made up to look like Fats (his hair seems dark and styled like Fats'). These kinds of touches are very effective in the film and not overdone.

"Now let's have an intelligent conversation. I'll talk and you listen."


The creepiest part of the trailer for me is just before he says "We're dead." His upper lip comes up and you can see his top teeth. This is just before his eyes roll back. There's something about how you don't really see animated characters' or puppets' top teeth and it made it really creepy to me. (I viewed the trailer on youtube, by the way, which is why I'm being so nit-picky about teeth.)

It's always sad when sperm comes between two people.
