MovieChat Forums > Midnight Express (1978) Discussion > So, what are the Turks saying?

So, what are the Turks saying?

When coming onto the plane: All lalla reid did did cot tee dee! Vee dee mee dee shoo, I can't remember the rest

The Prosecutor When He Points His Finger in the Air in Anger: Too too too doo doo!
BOO! Americana Vilyum Hiyes!


Actually it was a total disappointment for me as a Turkish citizen. Wish that the director had spent much more time to know the City better and Turkish people. Women do not wear chador, and men do not wear fez. At the begining of the movie, I asked my friend "In which City does the film take place?" And I heard some turkish words and I was shocked (I have No idea about the movie before I watched it) people ,who pretend as turkish, can not speak turkish I try to find English sub titles to understand what they say. As a native turkish speaker I can hardly understand some words. At the end of the movie I was sorry about what we had done so bad that people hate my country that much? If people hate my country why all most all of my foreign friends try to settle down ?stanbul? I really wonder how you feel and what you think about Turkey as well :)


I love Turkish people. Almost everyone I have met from there is great and everyone I know who has been there, loved it.


It's gibberish, a mix between Turkish and Maltese. I actually thought it was Turkish until i started to learn the Turkish language and found out pretty quickly that not much spoken in this movie is actually Turkish.


That is true. Only the prosecutor speaks Turkish in the movie, the rest is gibberish with a few Turkish words here and there.


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