John Hurt's performance

I'm a huge fan of Mr. Hurt's work, this is one of his very best IMO (maybe his absolute best). While watching this I was engrossed in every line of dialogue. It was also a much different character than he has ever played before or since. I think he is such an underrated actor and deserves to have won an Oscar by now.



I agree, John Hurt is wonderful in everything I've seen him in. I especially love the scene when Billy thinks he's getting out, and he tells him he'll come back for him, and kisses him on the forehead. The expression on Hurt's face is heartbreaking.....


He also has the funniest line in the film "I think I can hear dead Christians singing...."



Hahahahaha I know - watched this last night for 1st time in ages & I forgot that line - hahahahaha I love John hurt, he is amazing in just everything!!

He also has the best voice I have ever heard!! I love it :)


I agree, John Hurt is wonderful in everything I've seen him in. I especially love the scene when Billy thinks he's getting out, and he tells him he'll come back for him, and kisses him on the forehead. The expression on Hurt's face is heartbreaking.....

Yes, it was.  Brilliant actor, terrific performance. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I don't think it's fair to judge this actor based on his performance in Midnight Express. This was in my opinion his best performance ever. He didn't do so well in 1984, The Commissioner, or his other films. That's not to say he's a bad actor. Just that this seemed to be the role made for him.


I was judging him on every film i've seen him in. You think he didn't do so well in all his other performances? Have you seen The Elephant Man? Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? Alien? Recount?


I haven't seen The Elephant Man but as you bring up TTSS, I think that's a more representative showcase of Hurt's acting skills. He has skills and from his movies it's clear he is a well trained, good actor. However for me there is a wall of impenetrability about both his face and his voice. It's often very difficult to pick up the feelings he's trying to transmit to the audience. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that. By contrast, in Midnight Express he plays the part perfectly. In fact he fits so easily into that mold of the intelligent but depressed hash-smoking hippy that with his acting he paints with consummate skill a very interesting, tragic and believable figure. His despair is portrayed as the sobering bridge between the imagined (humane and tolerant) Orientalist paradise of the (imagined) (Near) East, and the grim reality (or rather, as others have pointed out, unreality) of Turkey in the modern world. While the director's vision was extreme and unrepresentative of Turkey today, Hurt sells it really well. Without him in this movie we would be significantly more detached from our empathic sense. When he's trying to be more-English-than-English, as happens so often in movies where he's the main character, it's just not great.


Well, to each their own. I love his narrating voice though.


Have you ever see The Naked Civil Servant? he was fabulous in that. And Mr Forbush and the Penguins? I think his earlier work is best.


And who could ever forget John Hurt in a little flick called ''Water Ship Down''
God I love obscure references.


Oh watch him in 10 Rillington place then, you will be bawling - his portrayal of Tim Evans is heart-breaking - you will be sobbing!


I hated the script for not putting his character in a position to be rescued by billy.


I think he is such an underrated actor and deserves to have won an Oscar by now.

I don't know underrated - he's widely respected in the industry. He just isn't a big star, which I don't think the British care that much about.

He certainly is beyond Oscar-worthy. Unfortunately his best-known Hollywood efforts - Midnight Express and The Elephant Man - were overshadowed by the titanic performances of Christopher Walken in The Deer Hunter and Robert DeNiro in Raging Bull, respectively.

What I do not understand is why this man does not have a knighthood. Perhaps, like Redgrave and Scofield, he turned it down.


The Elephant Man is probably his greatest performance imo but yes he's incredible in Midnight Express. The dude never gave a mediocre performance in his career.


He was brilliant in this, also gave great performances in The Elephant Man and 1984.

Dude was a good actor.
