AMAZING...anyone else?

Ok, so last week i told my mom and my dad to each pic three movies for me that i had never seen, and that they thought were great...I have seen ALOT of movies of all types and was wanting a little direction...My Dads 3: The conversation, Bridge over River Kwai, and Salvador...My Moms: Dial M for Murder, The Onion Field, and Midnight Express..

After viewing them all, i really enjoyed my parents picks. I mean BoRK and Dial M for Murder are classics i just had never seen. They where all very good, but none of them have stuck with me like Midnight Express. It had me drawn into it from the opening scene. The directing is impeccable and the performances are classic (randy quaid does seem to overact a bit, but still good). From beginning to end, i was sucked in, and even when the movie was over, i couldnt stop thinking about it. Its one of those movies where you literally FEEL the main characters emotions. I read on the description, its pretty fictional and blah blah is The Shawshank Redemption but it doesnt budge from the number 1 spot. im not saying this movies should be number 1 (should be in the top 250), all im saying is, if you havent seen this movie, SEE will like it.





Thank you so much for your post! You hit the point i was trying to make dead on. It just crawls inside you from the beginning, and everytime you think its going to get better and he will be going home, it takes it away...but then it brings it back...Brad Davis was AMAZING in this movie because not only do you feel his emotions, but because you see the change in him throughout his years imprisoned. Amazing amazing amazing...this movie sky rocketed into my top favs of all time!




oh come on!!! ur looking way to much into it...its a movie for god sakes! If you point the finger like that, then point the finger at every movie that makes a certain group of people look bad. Is every warden a scheming ass and prick like in Shawshank? No.

I could sit here and list 100's of movies that contradict what your trying to say. Just enjoy the movie and realize its a MOVIE. I didnt even know until after watching that is was supposedly a true story. Who cares! Its a damn movie and its damn good. That's where it ends for me. After watching it, do i think all turks are "evil or imcompetent"? absolutely not and it never even crossed my mind BECAUSE ITS A MOVIEEEEE!

Stop looking so much into it and just enjoy it.



I am really happy you found this film its a classic and so touching i love it and i cry with it superb .
¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸¸.·¨¯`·.
