Inga Swenson

Now that we are all twenty seven years older, has anyone watching the Marathon noticed how beautiful Inga Swenson was? Looking past the gruff manner and frumpy outfits, Kraus was gorgeous.


Not drop dead beautiful, but definetly better looking than I remember. I caught the episode where she also played a rich texas woman and again, remove the god awful outfits, I think you could get a much better idea of how good she looked.


I think she started looking better in the later seasons. Maybe it was the more "fashionable" hairstyle.


Check out Anne Bancroft & Patty Duke's oscar winning performances in "The Miracle Worker" from the early 1960s.

Inga Swenson portrayed Duke's mother.

She also was Dan Blocker's Swedish mother in the flashbacks of how Haus's mother died on "Bonanza".

I remember being surprised to learn that her accent wasn't real and that she was old enough to portray a mother in a 1961 movie.


I was surprised that she was as old as she was too. She was born in 1932. She did a good job with her accent. All these years I thought it was real. I think they started dressing her differently when she got promoted from cook to what ever it was she was promoted to in the later seasons. I guess they decided she needed a makeover to go with the promotion. They softened her and Bensons attitude toward one another and I missed that. I wanted it to go back to the way it was.


Well she proably would look so much better if this show wasn't made in the eighties. Don't get mad but looking back at the fashion back then everyone pretty much looked bad.


Yeah...the 80s was not known for fashion on most shows.


I heeeeeeear yoooou!

Seriously, I think Krause's funniest line came in the later seasons when Benson mentioned how clever the Germans were:

"Oh, I don't know. We bought D-Day hook, line and sinker, didn't we?"


I never forget the words when her character was happy:"Hot Damn"!!!


Inga guest starred on "The Golden Girls" during its fourth season. She portrayed Rose's younger sister Holly.
