MovieChat Forums > Benson (1979) Discussion > Benson off the air after December 4

Benson off the air after December 4

Hey everyone,

I hope that the link is inaccurate, but according to it they will be taking Benson off the air once again after December 4. I hope that is not the case because I am trying to tape all of them. I did not like how they scheduled Benson in times (Friday night and Tuesday afternoon) where it could not get the attention it got in June when the marathon appeared.

Below is the link that I read about Benson:


Ridiculous. What are they going to do jam in more of that awful Murphy Brown?

I've gained a much more refined appreciation for Benson since it's been resurrected by TV Land. The writing(by and large) is much better than I remembered in it's inital run. And as has been mentioned in the IMDb forum here, the supporting cast is wonderful.

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You, Mr Neville, are the refuse of the past. You are discarded!


I'm very disappointed. I've been diligently taping as many episodes as I can and I'm down to just 10 more that I need. Well, from what I understand TV Land has the show under contract until 2008, so I'm guessing it will reappear sometime in 2007. This is a great show--we really need to band together as fans to support it. Then maybe we'll see it come to DVD.


wait wait wait...isn't it still gonna be on on tuesday afternoons between noon and 2 pm ??? i understand no more friday nights with benson (which i really enjoyed) but i don't see how or why they would take off the 4 eps they run back to back on tuesdays???


U know maybe we should post some of these episodes on youtube for everybody to enjoy them


i would do the dance of joy if benson were to make an appearance on YouTube!

reply Tuesdays or Fridays. I have looked on the TVLand website, and there are others who feel the same as we. I know there was some way they could have shown it somewhere instead of dropping it. At least with the other shows that they took off, you can easily get them on DVD or they are on other stations (Good Times, 3s Company, and Cosby Show).
