I love season 8

7 Little Indians and '62 Pick-up are my favorite episodes, hands down.


Season 8 was pretty good, actually. The show was still upbeat, had its energy and decent episode plots. It's become annoyingly trendy for fans of TFOL to sh!t on the post Edna's Edibles seasons, but the only one that was actually bad was the final season with Pippa. Seasons 7 and 8 were fine.


I loved Season 8, too. They were able to branch out with their acting and include comedy and they were funny.


All of them were great.


Maybe some people truly did not like the "Over Our Heads" era. I know I did not like it then. Am I supposed to pretend that I did now? I hardly even watched it then.


I actually really liked it as well. In fact I really enjoyed the cheesy George Clooney and Mackenzie Astin episodes that came with the Over Our Head years. I just wish they'd kept George around a little but longer.

I loved how each of the girls looked the final season too. I feel like they looked their best that final season. One thing that killed me though was Mrs Garrett not being there for Jo's wedding. I suppose it was because it happened so quickly, but it was a little sad. I wish she'd been there the last episode. I don't know if she just didn't want to be ,or if Charlotte was off filming The Worst Witch with Tim Curry at the time or what.


Maybe if they didn't make George a dofus but had made him responsible--he could have been made a new permanent add in character---instead of andy they could have added him in. No need for Beverly, Pippa or Andy. Have him and the now women.

I don't know if the networks...were willing to do this though.

This was when they had just realized AIDS/HIV existed--and safe sex was important. And there wasn't yet the promise of a cure/vaccine there is now. So they were probably really anxious re standards.


I love both Seasons 8 and 9. And I liked Beverly Ann.
