Coolest Parent?

Which parents did you guys like the best? This includes Mrs. G because she's a parent as well. I liked Jo's dad, and Tootie's mom.


I think Nancy McKeon and Alex Rocco had the best chemistry. I liked Blair's mom, too. Always liked Mrs. G


I liked Natalie's mom a lot... she seemed the most realistic. You know, not cool or hip, just real. I thought all the parents were spot on, though.


I liked Blair's mom from season one the best. She was really pretty and sweet.


Blair's parents were actually cool. Cooler than you'd expect them to be.


We can probably all agree that Jo's mother was one of the worst, if not the worst. Always hysterical, kind of like Michele Lee on uppers. Jo's dad was OK, but a little too goofy considering his prison background.

Tootie's mom was clearly a case of nepotism, but she wasn't that bad.

Nat's mom was the most realistic.

I liked Blair's parents the best, because they had the best actors playing them.


Blair and Jo had the best dad's.


would have been cool to see David and Charlie go out for a night of chilling since their daughters both attended the same school.

they bond over pool--which is both in game rooms of mansions and public places


Jo's mom and dad were my favorite.


yeah I liked her parents too. My parents both had masters and never went to jail but had the same type of accent.
