Runaway episode

When Tootie was talking to that girl Kristie in the coffee shop her pimp Mike said Tootie has the look? Is he saying Tootie looks like a hooker?


He meant easily manipulated, lost girl, easy to take advantage of.


Oh ok, I thought he meant she looked like a prostitute.


I think he meant she was too trusting and gullible, which she was.


The pimp reminded me of Mickey Rourke.

That episode should have been called "Prostitootie".


THAAAAT was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh....Prostitootie!!! Lol


I swear I think of that episode every time I hear the song "U Got The Look" by Prince. He sang something like "you got that look. Crucial, I think I want you". I can't believe he is gone.


I always figured he meant she's got the young black girl look that men might be after. He was a sleaze for sure.


I took it to mean an innocent look that pervs would go for.


I wonder why Edna didn't report this incident to the police.


What incident would that be? Tootie never told her they tried to recruit her to be a prostitute.


Tootie should have said something.


That Tootie is pretty.


so what u all think ever happened to that girl did she get away somewhere safe character wise what u all think?


I think the pimp killed her. He really wanted Tootie and he blamed the girl for her getting away.


Or he at least gave her a beating. And it wasn't even her fault that Tootie changed her mind.

I would have liked to see it be a to-part episode, with Mrs. Garrett helping her.


Me too.


or Blair/the warner foundation helping her. No idea what academic skills she had(eastland after all was a private school and did not have to let in everybody). But if she had the academic abilities there would have been a way to get off the street


Tootie, the notorious blabbermouth strangely remained silent when it came to a young girl in real danger.

If she did confide anything to Blair or Mrs. G. they could have intervened but Miss Mushroom Hair seemed to be mad at the little hooker for trying to corrupt her and couldn't see the bigger picture and step up for her.

That pimp or one of her clients could have killed her.

Paging Olivia Benson!!!


remember that she lived a relatively sheltered life--like most of the girls @ eastland. She's never had a heart to heart with a girl in danger until then. This probably did not seem real to her. I doubt the Eastland student handbook (which they all had probably) covered what to do if you came across a prostitute and/or their pimp.


How hard would it have been for her to say Mrs. Garrett the girl needs help, she's in trouble?


Remember this is pre-internet and so somebody can be 'wordly' without being street smart. Tootie is only aware of what her parents and their economic class exposed her to. She has no idea how other people live. She doesn't know how to think about people who are child prostitutes. It shows us how radically the internet and communication/ability to look at other worlds and communities transformed everything. Yes today Tootie could figure out what had happened and how to talk about this.


Was I the only one who wondered how Tootie got to the train station in Peekskill without Mrs. Garrett taking her in her car? The station was obviously far enough away that every time they set off to New York Mrs. G would take them in her VW Bug.


I always assumed she got a ride by hitch hiking. It’s was still common during that time. I had an older cousin who did it often. I thought he was stupid!


I think that was one of those things we weren't supposed to think too hard over because I had also wondered how Jo was riding her motorcycle up from New York to get to Eastland in the second season. I thought she was probably 13 or 14 years old, but yet she had a license and her mother let her ride up to Eastland on her own.


Her dad was in jail and her mom had to work long hours. Public transit did not go directly to Eastland. In the drinking episode they were old enough to have an ID---so she could drive.

The issue was only that she was too young to drink (which at that time was 18 in NY!) so I'm assuming she was at least 16.

She's also supposed to be older than Natalie and Tootie who ARE younger. They are refered to as little kids.
