"The Little Chill"

IS so stupid. Nancy, Sue Ann and Cindy all knew Jo. They were still at Eastland when Jo arrived and had scenes together. Why on earth would the writers pretend they didn't know her?


Yes, they knew Jo, but it makes sense they wouldn't have known her as well as the other girls because in the first season, pre-Jo, all the girls lived in the same dorm. In the second season, Jo, Blair, Natalie, and Tootie lived above the cafeteria away from the rest of the girls. True, Jo would have known them through some of her classes, but she wouldn't have been as close to them because they never lived together and therefore never got the opportunity to know them as well.


I understand they may have not known Jo as well as the other girls but to pretend they're meeting her for the first time is ridiculous.


It's been a long time since I've seen that episode, but I thought the girls all acknowledged they knew Jo in fact, I think Blair even said something like "girls, you all remember Jo" or something like that. Just going by memory here.


I've read praise for the actress that played SueAnn on these boards, but I think she's a horrible actress. That episode was pretty bad. There was no need to be a bitch to Jo, yet she was.


Oh god yes - she sucked. She was the worst of the fired girls, and that's saying something.


I just bought the dvd's and watched it. It was written like they were meeting her for the first time and Jo felt excluded the entire episode.


I just watched it on YouTube, and when Sue Ann, Nancy and Cindy arrive, Tootie says "Jo, you remember the girls." Not, "Jo, this is Cindy, etc" which is what she would have said if they'd never met before. Plus, of course, we know they've met before. Yes, the writers clearly played up the division between the girls and you're right, Jo did feel excluded, but it wasn't written like they had not met before.


Yes, I just checked again. You're right. On the dvd, when the girls first arrive, Natalie says "Listen, how rude of me. I want to introduce you to someone who is an important part of our lives now (as she's saying this, Jo smiles and steps up with the intention of being introduced except Natalie introduces Beverly Ann instead and Jo looks all awkward and steps back). Maybe that's what confused me.


Yeah, that confused me too. I remember thinking, Jo knew these girls! She even referenced Nancy and Roger's relationship in the episode where the girls were going to go camping with the guys from Bates! This episode also bugged me because Sue Ann was such a bi*ch to Jo. I think Jo should have called her out in front of everyone for the fraud she was. Or maybe i was just in a bi*chy mood myself that day LOL!


It was great seeing those girls, but it was unfaithful to the show.



IIRC most of the old writers had left (Linda Marsh and Margie Peters were now writing for Valerie, and Jerry Mayer left for Punky Brewster to give Henry Warnimont a similar late-life career change) and the new ones must have assumed "Gossip" in season 2 was the only time they'd cross paths. Still, they never actually shared a bedroom with Jo, so naturally they weren't as close to her as they had been to Blair, Natalie and Tootie.


They changed writers after season 1. I guess they didn't do their research very well from the first season....


Probably not. And that mistake did not go unnoticed either. Tandem's office received several dozen letters.
