Wierd neighbor

What was the purpose of the suspicious looking neighbor who came by with his beer and told Kathy the neighboors wanted to come by and welcome her?


My interpretation was that it was a manifestation of the evil that was in the house, playing tricks with Kathy's mind. I think it's one of the creepiest scenes. Notice how he's scratching at the door instead of just knocking? And I love how quickly Kathy locked the door. But this has been discussed before on here. Many people have their own theories.


yes indeed very creepy...i did notice how he scratch door....i laugh cause if he is evil the little screen door latch is not gonna hold him outside.....thanks for reply


Mountain is totally correct.


That guy was really scary looking, he looked like a drunken bum!


"My interpretation was that it was a manifestation of the evil that was in the house, playing tricks with Kathy's mind. I think it's one of the creepiest scenes. Notice how he's scratching at the door instead of just knocking? And I love how quickly Kathy locked the door. But this has been discussed before on here. Many people have their own theories."

I agree. This was definitely very creepy. He was scratching at the door instead of knocking and his face looks pale and sickly. I think this is one of the creepiest parts of the movie. He was very awkward. Offering a 6 pack of beer upside down? Very strange. Like he wasn't human at all but was a physical manifestation of the evil in the house trying to act human and not really knowing how.



eggman75 - what you say is plausible but I was just wondering if he was a neighbour of theirs why did he have the appearance of a homeless derelict?


I think he was a regular neighbor, but got creeped out by the house and just took off.


She locks the screen door when he says "everyone wanted to come over to welcome you to the neighborhood." Lol


I've NEVER payed attention to that scene to the point where I never even noticed the scene. I've watched the movie many times; I just straight up never noticed the scene. So today, I watched it and payed close attention. It was as if I were looking at a deleted scene because that's how much I never noticed it, lol. Anyway, there was something about him that wasn't right. He was just creepy I guess. Or perhaps he was a ghost. Love those little details in scary movies.

"Oh, but honey, you just fixed dinner 3 years ago!"


Well, who was "everyone"? I only saw him.


I just thought it was a scene taken from the book where a neighbour turns up with some beers, he stays for a short time and then leaves suddenly. It's implied that he feels uncomfortable and they never see him again.


That scene was indeed the creepiest in the movie...yet so benign, which is what makes these old movies so awesome. The Crap today with zombies and vampires....zzzzzzz...

Anyway, the part I find humorous...he says everyone wants to come over and welcome them to the neighborhood. Now, I have lived in a few different places over the years, and have been the new person on the block...people have usually said hi and welcomed me to the hood, but never once invited themselves over to my home. Who does that? The established residents don't usually go to the new families house, armed with a six pack of Miller to party...lol


The incident really happened. The stranger was really some homeless guy in the area.



Because he was not all there.



According to George Lutz, he was just an eccentric homeless guy who brought the beer and when Cathy went to get George after he delivered the beer, he walked off. The neighbors said he was harmless.

If George Lutz thought he was a ghost or spirit, he (Lutz) would have said so. Nothing supernatural about this event in real life. It was a suggestion they put into the movie.

