MovieChat Forums > The Black Hole (1979) Discussion > Scared the crap out of me when I was a k...

Scared the crap out of me when I was a kid!

I never saw this in the theater (not that I remember), but my grandparents had the video disk of it. Even though I'd watched it more than once, it left me with such an uneasy feeling, I got as close to nightmares as I ever got. It was suspenseful/freaky/scary.

Did anyone else who was a kid at the time have the same perception? It can't be just me...


I saw it in theaters as a kid, and yes, it scared me too. Now, that's not to say that I didn't love it, but it was disturbing. The scene of hell was creepy and made me worry, LOL! Not only that, but other things happened that were the stuff of nightmares. The lasers in the hospital that lobotomize you were very scary to me, and I actually had a nightmare about them one time! Heck, the whole Cygnus spaceship was just creepy, mainly because it really was a death ship with a scary overlord named Maximilian who will kill you with his spinning blades! Oh yes, I loved the film as a kid, but was definitely bothered by it! I think it quite funny that the story books and record books made for kids didn't even hint at the scary stuff! Hmm, wonder why?

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


It's all about that black hole. That thing still gives me the creeps today.


Yeah, I was creeped out by it. The idea of these weirdos in space, lobotomizing people and killing any interlopers made me uneasy (because, you know, I was going to actually go into space, and I didn't want to land on their ship for repairs). I think I was all of 9 or 10 when I saw this movie on TV.



Yeah, I watched this as a kid and it scared the heck out of me.

Just watched it now on DVD some 30 years later and brought back some old memories of it... interesting.


I watched it on video when I was 6 or 7 and i didn't remember much of it but the odd mood stuck with me....there was cute robots and the crew acted like they were in Star Trek with colorful lasers that made thick delicious blasting noises (BWACK BWACK) but it was at complete odds with the almost horror movie texture of the crypt-like Cygnus and its ghost crew. That strange disconnect between gee whiz family friendly Star Wars elements & the dour, gothic atmosphere that surrounded it all made me feel....Uneasy. Confused.


It was the final scenes that was scary.. when the bad guy was stuck in the robot's body and the fiery sun/planet scenes .. scary to watch as kid. hehhe...



yup, I was 9 or maybe 10 and Maximillian made me jumpy and panicky . Those red eyes Brrrrr. To me ( at that time) Maxi. was more like something out of a horror film, looming- floating , not doing much and yet so threatening.Today... I give my kids the same Max. look when they do stuff they r not supposed to do...& it works ! yea Maximillian ! :)


I was 6 and it scared me too, I loved the robots and the ships / interior designs of the movie but other then that the movie was really boring to me. I love it today, watch it all the time. Funny how much you can dislike something then X amount of years go by and it's something completely different to you. I'm a big believer that movies age well, nothing changes, they remain the same, only people change. When someone will say "this movie hasn't aged well", which I've seen them say that about this movie, that just tells me that their perspective has changed because a movie is immortalized forever.


I seem to recall that there was a minor controversy regarding the "Scary" factor for really young viewers, and that there was also some debate of what to rate this film.
