R.I.P. Dr.Reinhardt

Maximillian Schell,83,has passed away.Fine Academy Award winning actor.


Just heard this. Although I've enjoyed him in many roles, I'll always remember him for this one, the first PG-rated movie I ever saw. R.I.P.


I saw this earlier on CNN. Hate to hear it but he was apparently suffering from a long-term illness. I'll remember his performances fondly, including "The Black Hole."



With half of The Black Hole cast gone now (Schell, Borgnine, Perkins, McDowall, Pickens) the chances of a decent documentary with them all for a future blu-ray release is getting slimmer and slimmer. Even Forster and Mimieux are in their 70s now and director Gary Nelson is 80.


^ So true. What a shame. This movie is a (very flawed) gem and it receives absolutely no love from Disney at all. Maximilian Schell was brilliant in this role. I am ashamed to admit that I have never seen "Judgment at Nuremburg". It a subject that I aim to remedy soon.

Want proof that we are doomed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH68bSJXGE8

