Which cut did i see?

i just bought this movie on DVD, and while it was great, i noticed it was cut in a few places.
i just want to know what version did i buy, i hope i did not purchase the worst cut of the film.
i noticed:
in the scene were agnes goes to have sex with Jan, while leaving oskar in the toy store, when she reveals her crotch it was blurred, this kinda pissed me off(cause i don't want to some blatant kind of TV edit) but her breasts and buttocks were still shown.
Also the infamous cunnilingus with scene did not seem explicit to me at all, is it possible it was cut, i did not see any sign of oskar explicitly performing oral sex.
and when oskar climbs out of the other older woman's bed i did not see the part where he zips up his fly. which i saw in the trailer.

could anyone help? did i buy the worst DVD available? i just sometimes can't afford those wonderul criterion releases

Music in this clip?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl7zhNTLM6A(not memory eternal)


I think the best way through this is to check the run time...
Since you bought the DVD this should be quite simple...

I think the run time on IMDb is reliable (142 mins). You may also checkout the source you used to checkout the trailer...

The blurring could be due to some other reason, but wouldn't necessarily suggest that the version is cut. I can't recall much detail regarding the second incident though...
