Criterion DVD...


This is my favorite movie, yet, unfortunately, the last time I saw it was on a fuzzy, ugly VHS format. I was wondering if any of you have the Criterion DVD. Does it have any special features? Not subtitles and stuff like that, but documentaries, interviews (Schlondorff is my favorite German director, Bennett is brilliant, and I love Olbrychski), deleted scenes, director commentaries, etc.? Thanks...


Commentaries by director

Deleted Scenes

Production Stills


2 Audio tracks w/ optional English subtitles

Interviews w/ Director, Screenwriter, aired on French TV

Gunther Grass readings from LP set to the Nazi rally scene

2 disc set that really enhances the viewing experience


The Criterion 2DVD is monumental! Wow! What a fantastic film this is! (I just finished watching it for the first time.)

Darren Skuja
