
I remember I was young first seeing it. And it is the only film I ever had nightmares afterwards. Shaking from fear running to my moms bed for safety. Haven't seen it since then.



i've never seen the movie, but i've read half of the book, and it gave me nightmares. which is pretty pathetic, because i'm 15 and should be above such things, but i suppose i must have a vulnerable metality, because the novel is highly distrubing, thought-provoking, nightmareish, and fascinating all at the same time. if the film is anything at all like the book, i can very well see why it gave a young child a nightmare. after all, the book gave me a few. of course, i must mention that i get nightmares frequently about various things, so perhaps it was not the book that gave me nightmares, but myself. i can only compare the all consuming terror o my dreams to something an alienated fictional character such as Oskar might feel.



Wow, talk about a slow respons. I was dumb enough not to mention in my post that I was about 7 or 8 when I saw the movie, maybe even younger. And just because I had nightmares about the movie, it doesn't mean it's a bad movie, contrary even!


Believe it or not I watched this movie as a on cable at 11 or 12 and so did some of my friends in the neighborhood!!! (Boy were our parents liberal or what!?!) While I did not get all of it then, later on in college I was struck by the similarity of the imagery and symbolism in this film and that of the Bunel and Dali film Un Chien Andelu
