MovieChat Forums > Die Blechtrommel (1980) Discussion > tell me why you like it...

tell me why you like it...

i just saw this, didn't find it too shocking/pornographic, just didn't find any of the characters sympathetic, wasn't pulled into the atmosphere, didn't pick up an interesting vibe/feeling from it. i did think it had a really original perspective, and stands out as unique even though ive seen many unusual movies.

i just dont really have strong feelings about it. i am wondering why it is a classic and so highly respected, and/or what others enjoy about it.


I saw it some time ago, I had nothing to watch so I decided to see the Tin Drum. I didn't saw it from the begining, but captured me, i don't know how but it did. Maybe the amazing acting of David, and his eyes, those eye. And some scenes that blew my mind away. Especially that scene were David founds his father having sex with the blond girl (Maria I think). And the ending. A good world war film. Deserved the Oscar.
But I don't know if I could watch again this movie. I don't recommend this film to persons below 15 years.
