MovieChat Forums > The China Syndrome (1979) Discussion > The journalist as a truth seeker

The journalist as a truth seeker

This is one of my favourite Jane Fonda films. It is asks the question about the news media,what is it's purpose? Post Watergate, there was a celebration of journalism challenging power. Kimberley Welles (Fonda) finds out that there is a problem with safety at nuclear power plant. The film is a celebration of her desire to uncover the truth.


👍 She did a fine job in this, also Jack Lemmon was outstanding.

This is one of those movies that had a impact in the real world.

The movies release date was March 16,1979. America had a partial "meltdown" of it's Three-Mile island unit 2 reactor on March 28,1979.

The combination of the two seriously curtailed new nuclear power plants from opening in the U.S.

Haven't seen it in a long time, must rewatch soon.


The combination of the two seriously curtailed new nuclear power plants from opening in the U.S.

Many plants under construction were abandoned and later James Cameron was able to use one such abandoned site to shoot the underwater scenes for The Abyss.


Sweet cool info.


The curtailment of nuclear power is not something to be celebrated. It is by far the cleanest and most reliable energy resource and its abandonment led to far more carbon emissions. It wasn't until Obama that the left finally realized they had overreacted to TMI. Incredibly, Obama was a supporter of nuclear energy. One of the few things he got right.


I agree, just reporting on the impact of this movie.
