MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > Ripped Off Star Wars

Ripped Off Star Wars

I could only stand watching the first couple of minutes, but even then I could see this was a ripoff of star wars. Come on....


Not sure you understand the difference between a ripoff and something inspired in the same genre.


Star Wars influenced every science fiction movie that came after it. Problem?


Star Wars didn't influence every science fiction film that came afterwards (Aliens, Alien 3, Predator, the Star Trek movies, etc are a few that come to mind) but it has been hugely influence on the genre, no doubt there.

I just don't see how Saturn 3 was significantly influenced by Star Wars though.

It was more like 2001 and Alien combined with half a dozen 1950s B-movies.

The plot was more like an episode of a bad TV show than a full movie.

To make it even worse we don't see Farrah's boobs hardly at all...nor any Buck Rogers style skimpy outfits ;o)


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"


Ridley Scott has said many times that Star Wars was a major influence on Alien, therefore it influenced Aliens, Alien 3, etc. Indirect influence is still influence.

Star Wars's influence on the Star Trek movies is so obvious I don't see how you can deny it with a straight face.

2001 is the same, but it came ten years prior. It influenced virtually all sci-fi movies that followed it, including and especially Star Wars. That's how it works. 2001 influenced Star Wars. Star Wars influenced Alien. Alien influenced blah blah blah. Blah blah blah influenced yadda yadda yadda. And so forth. It's all a rich tapestry, dawg.


Trek began in the late, along with 2001 influenced Star Wars.

The fact is they are all very different styles of Sci-fi and are hard to reasonably compare. Star Wars is a space opera fantasy. 2001 was hard sci-fi, Trek is mostly adventure with more 'real' science, and Alien is sci-fi horror.

Lots of things influence lots of other things. It's not that big a deal. However the who accusation of rip-off simply doesn't wash with Saturn 3 and Star Wars...they are totally different movies.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"



Trek began in the late, along with 2001 influenced Star Wars.

The fact is they are all very different styles of Sci-fi and are hard to reasonably compare. Star Wars is a space opera fantasy. 2001 was hard sci-fi, Trek is mostly adventure with more 'real' science, and Alien is sci-fi horror.

Well said. Star Trek is adult science-fiction in space whereas Star Wars is space fantasy. Sure, there's some crossover, but they're very different in tone. Of course Star Trek debuted on TV 11 years prior to Star Wars, although the first Star Trek film premiered 2 years after the original Star Wars and was an amalgamation of the TV series and 1968's "2001: A Space Odyssey." Star Wars didn't really start to influence Star Trek until the 2009 reboot due to Abrams.

The first pilot for Star Trek, "The Cage," was actually shot in 1964, but the studio rejected it. When Roddenberry tried the second pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before," Jeffrey Hunter had flown the coop and so Shatner was brought in as the captain. Thankfully the footage of the original pilot was inserted into the great first season 2-part episode "The Menagerie."

While the Alien flicks are sci-fi horror, Star Trek in the 60s had a lot of that, as seen in the episodes "The Man Trap," "Charlie X," "The Doomsday Machine," "Wolf in the Fold," "The Lights of Zetar" and several others.



How did a space-fantasy movie like star wars influence ANY science fiction?


I don't understand. Is this a troll topic or are you just really an idiot? Whatever you think about this movie, other than the fact that it's in space, the plot has absolutely nothing in common with Star Wars.


To be fair, the opening shot pretty obviously owes a great deal to both 2001 and Star Wars. The giant ship passing over the camera, combined with the same first two notes as "Zarathustra", actually made me giggle the first time I saw it. It's as though the filmmakers said to themselves, "Why bother trying to hide it?"

The rest of the film isn't as goofy as this moment seemed to be promising -- at least not goofy in this specific way -- but it is pretty damned goofy. And enjoyable.



Well Hector's "eyes" did look a lot like Rex


My iMDB profile


If you only watched a few minutes; how would you know it was a Star Wars ripoff?

A smoking section in a restaurant is like a peeing section in a swimming pool :)~~~~~~


Besides being set in space it was nothing like Star Wars. Ergo you are an idiot.


They both take place in outer space. Beyond that, they have virtually nothing in common. I saw this in the theatre not long after I'd seen The Empire Strikes Back and nothing about Star Wars crossed my mind in any way.


How in the world do you drop the ball on this one with all the bad things you could have said about it, choosing the one complaint that is completely invalid. Saturn 3 is a claustrophobic story about 3 people and a robot. No relation to Star Wars whatsoever.
