MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > Full Saturn 3 Uncut Uncensored still un...

Full Saturn 3 Uncut Uncensored still unreleased on DVD

Finally, at last, after years of signing online petitions and reading "Making of's...." to see photographs of costumes and situations that never appeared in the 83 minute released version of the film.....The fully restored version of the film, all 103mins of it has been released this year in Australia on Region 4!!! That's an extra 20 minutes, I can't wait!
Has anyone seen it yet?
I don't know why I'm so fascinated with this film, (I go back to it every 5 years or so to introduce it to someone else) a combination of the astonishing set designs, the universal kicking it gets from everyone ( always fight for the bullied underdog me!) the whole mystery surrounding the missing 20 minutes cut, director replacements - Stanley "Singing in the rain" Donen and Harvey Keitels wooden dubbing. Hey,I didn't even mention my schoolboy Farrah obsession!
So, could people who've taken the trouble to sign the petitions, post their review of the "new" material, I'd be deeply interested in what other fans/admirers have to say about the additional material and the changes, if any, they make holistically on the film as a whole. Was it Lew Grade's financial panicking that lead to the cuts in order to make it more commercial and economically viable? Did the scissors do more harm than good?
Once I have my own copy I'll post and let you know.

Sorry Guys......Now have it and it's the same 83 minutes version we are all familiar with. Very misleading of the ITC distribution company to blatantly lie like this on the cover! Saying 103 minutes.

Newsflash! Check this astonishing link
Absolutely amazing!
HUGE RESPECT TO GREGORY MOSS. I think this answers and explains thoroughly just about everything. With unseen filmed production shots and external links. BTW the full 103 minute version can be found and downloaded from amule, however it is in German. Still worth it. Enjoy. Click on this link.


You can get the other version ofr two dollars at Dick Smith's! Why would I pay 20 bucks for a gfew special features for an already mediocre movie?

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every moment of it.


God, I would love to see this. Thanks for the heads-up.


Bloody hecktor!
Has it been been released yet or when? There is no sign of it.


Well, I have my copy of it now, and the cover and the write ups are extremely mis-leading. It states that the film runs for 103 minutes, it doesn't. It's the same 83 minute edit that we've all seen before time after time. What a disappointment and soo conniving of ITC entertainment, to repackage the film with such a misleading lie, knowing there is a campaign to get the missing footage restored.



If a restored, uncut version of the film was to be released, there would be major talk of it & it would get a US release as well

thus why this easily was scammy marketing for you Aussies.

For shame

I warned you not to go out tonight


What is contained in the missing footage?


Yeah, I too seem to return to this film a lot.
The main reason is because I adore 70s/ early 80s space
films, and this film has some great space scenes. Yes the film is weak and silly in places, but it's a lot more interesting when you concentrate on the awesome set design, and the film is not without suspense too - which adds to that sense of isolation.

I'm surprised people criticise it as much as they do - the vast majority of sci-fi films that have been made are far, far worse than this. It's one of those films that really does make you feel as though it's taking place on another planet (or in this case, moon) and that's something I always got a huge kick out of as a kid.

I always group this film together with Alien and Outland etc, as early 80s other-worldly isolation films. Would be great to see some extra footage if it's out there. Does the trailer contains snippets of missing material? The trailer is pretty awesome actually.
See here:


Does the trailer contains snippets of missing material?
Not so much "missing" material, but rejected material. The outfit that Fawcett was wearing when introduced to Benson was not used in the film, as well as other "sexy" outfits.

For your Alien & Predator fix:


Actually there was a scene filmed after Kirk and Farrah take the blue pills where Farrah is wearing a black and silver outfit, there were several stills of this shown in sci-fi mags at the time. There is a site that specializes in nude scenes by actresses that has screen caps of this very sequence, the site operator said he captured them from a showing of the film on cable tv in Europe, I don't recall exactly which country but I think it was either Denmark or Sweden.


Too bad they didn't release these extra scenes with Farrah in the black and sliver outfit. The first time I saw those stills of her I had some dreams about her in them, and I didn't even need to take any blue pills!


The trailer on the Pioneer dvd has two shot of FF in the black vinyl outfit, a full head-to-toe shot and another close-up of her face. It's cut for the trailer as though Kirk is introducing her to Keitel as his partner (the scene when they take off their helmets), but Farah is wearing the outfit and standing in what looks like their private quarters so it's taken from a scene that's totally missing from the release print.

This is very hard to read, isn't it?


The original cut was around 100mins, but this has not received an official release anywhere. In spite of what running time is listed on the back of the Aus/Italian dvd releases.


What is the actual running time on the recent Blue Ray release? Anyone on here actually bought it and knows?

Dr. Peter Venkman: NOBODY steps on a church in my town.


1:27:27 according to the blue ray player. Bonus footage is an extra but I did not check the time on that.
