Worst movie ever.

Maybe not the absolute worst, but certainly in the top five.

I saw this clunker in the theatre, and - tits or no tits - even my 13 year old brain was disappointed.

This is one of three movies I have seen in my life in which the audience actually booed at its conclusion.

For the record, the other two were "The Doom Generation", and "Wholly Moses!".

"You must have me confused with David Selznik. I don't make major motion pictures; I make crap."


Hey I loved this movie it's my favorite dark scifi to watch when there nothing else on TV.



Of course one wonders whether they booed at the movie in general or at the ending. The ending, in my opinion, was nonexistent. When the spacecraft approached Earth I would have expected some sort of payoff, whether it be to end the movie on a positive note or to end it with some sort of unexpected twist. Instead, we get Alex looking at Earth which looked kind of odd. As the shuttle separates from the large ship we assume she's on it and then it just ends. Are we supposed to assume that she had her dream of seeing Earth fulfilled?

The movie in itself was odd - there was no life, nothing to make the characters stand out. Even the scene where she pulls his hair to separate him from Capt. James seemed so lifeless. This movie lacked passion.

Even the main plot which seemed to revolve around a horny robot didn't have anything to lead us to believe that. The only contact Hector had with Alex was when it picked her up by the wrists and even then Hector just put her down once she told it to.

There were a series of movies, based on sci fi and riding on the Star Wars wagon that attempted to make sci fi into an adult thing by including gore and nudity. I remember Logan's Run, Flesh Gordon (which was more tending toward pornography) and a few others that pursued this genre. Basically they took an attractive female lead, added a male counterpart and lots of cheap music and effects with an ending that usually left the audience hanging.

The characters don't grow on you, there is no depth. For example, when the robot blows up, we know Kirk bit the big one, but do we see Alex's reaction? Nooo, instead we get a lot of slow-mo shots of different pieces of Hector flying through the air, as though the movie tries to convince us that Hector won't he reassembling itself any time soon. The next shot of Alex is when she's on the shuttle back to Earth, with a new hairdo to boot!

I don't think the movie is horrible, at least it tells a story, given the plot holes. The main problem I see with it is that the story is told in a bland, unemotional way that does not entertain the audience. Regards.


I always notice when someone does not like certain films,write the worst movie ever. Pure crap. An exaggerated appreciation, very lightly. Saturn 3 is not a bad movie. Not a masterpiece, either, but even remotely bad.


"Manos: The Hands of Fate" is much, much worse,

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!



The movie had almost no plot. It just plodded from one lame scare to the next.
