
If you just had the audio on and weren't watching, you might have thought she was in a porno. The moaning she does in some scenes, you don't know if she is enjoying it or being hurt.

On a another note. How many nude scenes did she do? I was rather surprise to see her have one in this out of all movies.


lol You got way too much time on your hands it's like a 1 sec tit shot and no moaning I heard. Of course I was just trying not to pass out from this stool of a movie. And might wanna go on her own board since this place is dead since well ever.



The moaning is thru out the movie when she is getting roughed up or chased not when she is flashing her boobs.

Maybe it was just me, but her moaning was more of the erotical side than the "i'm in so much pain" side. But hey, maybe she knew what kind of movie this was and the audience it was ment for so she did it deliberatly.


lol Yeah they tried to make her sex appeal one of the reasons to get people to see this movie aka: 14 year old horny nerds. I read they had her parading around in some skimpy spacesuit with almost nothing on but they cut the shots and the movie became R anyway. haha It still would of sucked and failed like hell.



My question is what kind of personality has such a stupid attitude against hetero sexuality? Homosexual?


Nah, heterophobes arent that common among homosexuals despite what one might think, its usually repressed straight, or at least alleged srtaight people with repressed homosexual feelings who act all heterophobic and offended by heterosexual displays of sensuality, nudity and sexuality. They usually try to disguise it by saying they find it tasteless or its immoral or some other crappy excuse though.


Good answer. Probably your second option.


I don't know if she did more significant nudity. In Extremities you saw a breast but it wasn't a sensuous scene.
She had like an awakening and started saying there should be more open nudity. But then when asked to do such a nude scene (like Natasha Kinski), Farrah refused saying it was "gratuitous". She didn't make sense.
But she did that Playboy video anyway "All Of Me".


Hehe, okey. Thanks for the answer :)


She had done FULL NUDITY. She strips fully naked for a lengthy scene in "Dr.T and the Women" where she parades around in a fountain and shows everything. She also did partial nudity in the movie "Logan's Run". But best of all she did a PLAYBOY VIDEO SHOOT where she is fully naked in an "art scene" for a very lengthy amount of time and you see her BUSH, ass, and fully erecet nipples. (She had great tits!). I'm sure you can find this online; I did.


She didn't do any partial nudity in Logan's Run.


Doesn't matter. Castlebridge is such a total loser, he has now been reduced to imagining he has seen women, who wouldn't *beep* him if he was the last man on earth, actually naked.

What a total piece of crap! Don't take anything he says seriously.


I was going to post this. The other girl was nude, not farrah. I saw this in the movies when I was 16 hoping Farrah took her top off since it was R, and I wasnt alone since most of the theatre sounded pleased when she did.


Her boob looked very weird in this movie. Like it was a deformed implant.
