Hector design

Does anyone know who was credited to designing Hector? Was it the film's production designer, or was it someone separate? Was there a full animatronic version, or did they have someone in a suit for certain shots?

"Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane."
H. P. Lovecraft


Good question

all I could find was this


It's at this point the casual viewer might begin to get an inkling of just where the budget all went - the robot is actually almost impressive - until you get to its head. It hasn't got one, just a CCTV camera. Plastic tubes and chrome-plated shin guards don't come cheap, and they obviously built old Hector from the ground up, suddenly realising that all the money had gone when they got to his shoulders. Oops. Although having said that, the design allegedly comes from a drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci. Yes, I don't believe that either.


I thought the lack of a head made him more menacing and "other"
