MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > IF YOUR A FAN AND NOT SEEN THIS ,LOOK!!!...



With all the remakes going on these days I'm not totally surprised about this. Saturn 3 has potential to be remade well with today's CGI capabilities and to have the story worked into a little into something more exciting. Firstly though, they need to fix that horrible ship at the start of the movie with a modernised kick-ass design - the original looks like it was put together in a couple of hours with rubbish. I could never work out what those claws were at the back, thruster pylons or docking clamps perhaps ? The gigantic communications antenna dish looks like it was not stuck on properly and is half hanging off ! Oh, and please, no bare-ass naked shots of the character that Kirk Douglas played. Keep the airlock scene, but show Benson putting those wires across the airlock - expand on the reasons why he is doing this in the first place. I guess I could rant on about many other things too but I'm sure that James Cameron and Co will fix all the flaws that every viewer of this movie has thought of.

As for Arnold playing Hector - would he do it ? He may only just make a cameo in Terminator 4 so I'm having trouble believing he would play a main role in this movie. I'm prepared to be surprised though.


I honestly think the robot should remain a robot, not an android. I think that dilutes the whole point of the story, at first its only metal and wires, but after its "direct input" from Keitel, it starts to act human. If it already looks like a human, the change in behaviour wont have the same amount of creepy impact ! And yeah,i can do without some old actors bare arse hanging out !


Good points !

Maybe Hector should look like one of those robots out of I-Robot ?

They could still use Arnold's facial features and expressions but keep the body of the robot very machine-like. I always liked the vein fluid being pumped into Hector's tubes, that was creepy - as was the brain-case. I don't know, maybe just update the look of Hector to be more 21st Century and more accepting to today's movie-going public.


I like the original design a lot, but i think your right, its got to be brought up to date for modern audiences, got to keep the liquid moving through the "veins" though, that was inspired. The only thing i'm worried about is that they turn it into scurrying CGI creation, running up walls and across ceilings, i feel the slow and deliberate movements add to its menace.


I think Cameron would be considering Arnold for Kirks role not the Robots.
Nothing to get excited over though that sight iss full of 100% rumors like True Lies 2. Cameron will be doing the 2 battle angel movies that is going to take a lot out of him he won't be making anything major after that for quite a few years.



James Cameron doing a remake sounds fantastic, because I'm sure he'll do justice to John Barry's original vision. But having Arnie playing Hector, I'm not sure about that. SATURN 3's main attraction was the robot itself. It looked real and it looked like its design had some logic to it. Arnie playing a robot again would be, methinks, a commercial suicide. And, if James' decides to go with the robot, it would have to be an ON SCREEN prop, not a fancy CGI effect. CGI is growing boring REAL fast and it seems any movie now a days can do fancy CGI FX. Anyway, hope there's a remake of SATURN 3 soon!!!

Stay Punk!


Maybe Cameron could somehow blend two past sci-fi films from this period together: Saturn 3 and Android, both kind of similar and he worked on Android.



I'm pretty sure Cameron, who has always had a very dry sense of humor, was making a joke... him saying that he was going to cast Arnold as the ROBOT is a dead giveaway let alone the idea that he would do a remake of such a horrible straight forward simplistic film....or that he would do a remake to begin with.
