MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > Movies that rip off SATURN 3

Movies that rip off SATURN 3

I would consider this a guilty pleasure; while it has some bad FX, there are some impressive shots and set design work. I do think the robot is very unique and impressive to a degree (especially with the more utilitarian approach) and the film does deliver the "boobs and blood" quotent. But it has to be Elmer Bernstein's score that lifts this film from tedious to quirky and interesting (similar to SWORD AND THE SORCERER, which is more entertaining no doubt, but interesting in how a magnificent score can uplift a movie from "okay" to "great". Take that direct-to-cable scoring monstrosities!).

Okay, on to the subject: some films that have ripped off SATURN 3 (believe it or not)

ROBOT DESIGN: Hardware and Virus
- not that this is anything to brag about, but it is evident that both killer robots in these films damn near stole their designs from Hector (from bulky mechanical bodies and utilitarian hands to the almost microscopic light-up "eyes only" as a head).

- when Hector first attacks Benson/ Captain James, Adam and Alex hide underneath the floor grating. Hector then procedes to reach down and try to grab them as they run underneath the floor panels. Compare this to the end sequence when Newt is hiding/running away from the Alien Queen (on a side note, the giant claw that Kirk Douglas drops down on Harvey Keitel is also used in ALIENS - you can see it when the Marines leave the APC and approach the half-opened door to the colony)


Some of the machine sounds in Saturn 3 were also used in Aliens for the power loader.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the sets had been repurposed as well. The hallways and floors in Saturn 3 look *really* similar to the terraforming colony in Aliens.


Yeah, I noticed the similarity of the under the floor grating shots too. And the sound effects, now that someone has mentioned it.

But as the famous director Goddard once said: "I never create, I steal."

Whatever works.


Just saw this (bought for $2 on DVD!) for the first time since I saw it as a kid (all I remembered was the cast, Hector and Harvey's character's fate!)... it was fun to see it again, and it actually was better than I remembered.

But the one thing that kept bugging me was constantly thinking "aren't those the same sound effects from Aliens?". Glad I'm not going nuts!

(as a silly side note, I really like the sound design used in this film... some really nice 70's-80's sci-fi clicks, beeps and mechanical sounds).


At the end of Predator, Arnold sets a trap for the predator and just as he's going to step into it, the Predator walks around it towards Arnold.

Very similar to Hector and the trap they set for him with the floorboards above the hydroponic fluid with Farrah as bait.


Another thing that was ripped off (at least I haven't seen anything like it prior to SATURN 3)was the "jack in the back of the neck" that Benson uses to program Hector brain to brain. Everyone in THE MATRIX has that stuff for "pluggin'in".
It'd be nice to see a special edition of SATURN 3. I read somewhere that cabla TV aired a special "making of" back in the day. The out-of-print DVD is fine, but it could have a much better audio!

Stay Punk!


Kastalan, If you want that special edition DVD, be a part of my petition to release one. Go to to sign it if you and anyone else is interested.

I warned you not to go out tonight


Thanx Eraserhead! SATURN 3 deserves a Special Edition! Ah, by the way: MANIAC also rulz!!!

Stay Punk!


PLOT DEVICE: Terminator 2
"Fatally" damaged robot manages to rewire/rebuild itself.

SET DESIGN: Event Horizon
The spiky tube corridor entrance to the building (12 minutes into the movie).


So even though this movie is poorly rated, it seems to have inspired scenes in other movies that have made a lasting impression upon the world. hmmm...


It's pretty unlikely that any of these are actual rip-offs of SATURN 3, or that any would even WANT to rip off this particular movie.


You said it the floor part is the only real similar one and that's no ripoff.
