The jogging scene

I saw Saturn 3 when it played in the theatres, and I recall a scene where Fawcett's character is jogging through the station that did not appear on the DVD version. Anyone else recall this scene?


How about the NUDE SCENE?


I also remember her going for a run through the station. The scene appears to have been cut from the DVD release.


I saw the movie on a VHS print, and yes, the jogging scene is there. Farrah jogs along with Kirk Douglas. I have not seen the DVD version so I can't confirm if it is included.


My DVD copy contains the jogging.


I'm watching this movie right now on Netflix. The jogging scene comes right after Benson shows Adam and Alex the cyborg brain and informs them that one of them will be obsolete.

See here:

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


I got a torrent of this unsure what version I bet region 1 and it is in mine.
