DVD Letterboxed???

Is the current cheapo DVD out there, the one with the cover of the scene with Hector picking a sliver out of Farah's eye, in widescreen? On Amazon the reviewers all rave about it being a good transfer but no info on aspect ratio. There's a $4.99 cut out copy at my local store and just wondering if I should get it or wait for the inevitable re-release.

It's not an elevator it's a Wonkavator



SATURN 3 LETTERBOXED------Was released IN 1998 on laserdisc and can only be found by high priced collectors. The only hope is that it will be rereleased on dvd in the letterboxed format.


Usually you Americans tend to get the better stuff on Region 1 release, but here in the UK the budget DVD release of this film (released by Carlton video) is an excellent print, in letterbox 1:85.1 format. No extras i'm afraid but if you have a multi region player that can play European Region 2 discs then its worth the £5 + p&p that amazon.co.uk would charge.


I can second Trevorwomble. I just watched my copy again the other day. It's good quality, and in anamorphic widescreen. If you check something like amazon.co.uk, it's the version with the silver/grey box, and a yellow/gold image of Hector on the front. Well worth it, even if there's no extras.


The Australian and UK DVDs are in 1:85.1 Widescreen (Non-16:9). And it is Uncut. It's 103 Minutes, not 88 Minutes like the Original Length. The transfer is quite clear and is good. It was advertised as Fullscreen, but it's Widescreen. I found it for only $2 on DVD brand new.


That Australian and UK DVD says SATURN 3 runs 103 minutes long, although there are NO additional scenes when compared to the U.S. (and out of print) version. I own both and recently purchased to Australian version hoping to see some deleted footage reinserted, but to my dismay all I got was the same version with an annoying green tinge instead of black (Benson's space suit looks green on the Australian version).
The transfer is much clearer on the U.S. version AND includes the movie trailer which has Farrah sporting a weird looking outfit.

Stay Punk!


The Australian release says it's 103 Minutes on the back, but my DVD player says 1.23 or 83 Minutes (which would equal the 88 min (stated in IMDB) in NTSC).
An error like the full screen it says, when it is 1.85:1 letterbox.
A perfect looking print to me though. There is no way that space suit is not meant to be green. Or all their faces and everything else would be green. All the colours are bright and correct. See this:

Also, about what kingdomcome said: All films shot in 1.85 : 1 aspect ratio are filmed full screen, though composed for wide.
Later they are matted or letterboxed for cinemas, so don't use pan and scan when shown fullscreen; in fact, you see more image not less. You can always tell by the space above the actors' heads.
That's why I don't mind at all full screen DVDs, since I learnt that.


superman1 information is correct. There seems to be a lot of mis-information about the R4 release. Even in this thread someone claims that the release is anamorphic, which it is NOT. It is letterboxed but NOT anamorphic.

The 1.85:1 framing is the original intended OAR and the print is in suprisingly good shape. For a budget release the R4 release is actually not bad.

I'm still not convinced that there is an actual 103 minute version. It wouldn't suprise me that because there was a printing error (103 minutes) on the DVD that people believe there must be a 103 minute version. The IMDB is littered with such mis-information.

I have seen this film on TV before and the DVD is the exact same cut.


I'm too convinced that there isn't a version which runs much longer than, let's say, 85 minutes. However, this fantasy sequence featuring Farrah Fawcett in a skimpy PVC jumpsuit was DEFINETELY used in the GERMAN VERSION. It takes place shortly after Adam and Alex share the blue pill. This scene was in it's theatrical premiere (which was unusual late in 1984, titled stupidly SATURN CITY), it could later be found in the video-release also (released by Fox Video then) and on the films TV premiere. On the other Hand: The Scene were the "real Benson" was killed in the Grid-Sequence was edited out / censored over here. I am still waiting for somewhat of an integral Cut which combines all the Material I've seen so far! For Completists: The above mentioned version is available on DVD (try amazon.de) on it's restored orginal Title SATURN 3. The aspect ratio is about 1,66:1 widescreen (not anamorphic). The print used is based on the TV version so don't expect too much from it's PQ.

So long


Flashdime, thanks for the information.

Remember, just because there is a 'longer' version doesn't mean that this is the actual version intended by the director.

To give you an example, David Lynch's DUNE has been released in a version with nearly an hour of extra material. This was not authorized by Lynch and he had his name taken off this release (available on DVD).

So, doing a bit more research, I agree with you. Are there other versions out there with different scenes then I think that is possible.

So, I stand corrected that there maybe indeed a longer version (s) out there. I guess at this stage it will be difficult to find out what the true director's cut would be. It has also been suggested that there was studio interference with the theatrical version.

Again, thanks for the info.

