MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > Just started an petition for an Special ...

Just started an petition for an Special Edition, Uncut, Widescreen DVD

Go to to sign it, and for more information.

I warned you not to go out tonight


If it's under 10 bucks, I'll buy it!


Me too.


Count me in,

"You have a wonderful body, may I use it ?"
- Benson, Saturn 3.


I have the DVD. What was cut out of the movie? There's deleted scenes/missing footage lying around somewhere? Anyone have any info. on any deleted footage?


I saw it when it first came out in the movie house. I thought it was good Sci-Fi at the time. And I 'think' this is the deleted parts (this goes from memory).

The take a drug called the BLUE DREAMERS to relax/entertain themselves with dreams while on long stays on the planet. During the dream, they are having more fantasy. I read that in a Sci-fi magazine way back when....


Ok done but we only have 33 signatures so far... talk about a uphill battle :).



You all are up to 47... way to go! As for myself, I'm not signing. A robot with a claw for a head is cool and all, but I just can't bring myself to do it!


This movie is one of the best unintentionally funny movies of all time, I can watch it over and over and still laugh my ass off....
Best unintentionally funny scene was when Kirk wrestles Harvey while Kirk is butt naked, with a wierd gratuitous man-ass shot. Check out the face that Kirk makes when he gets grabbed by his hair.


A petition for a special edition version of this? You must be a glutton for punishment. Who the hell would ask for a uncut version of this? Nevermind a special edition. This was a terrible movie, I bet Kirk Douglas spent of the rest of his years trying to forget he was ever in this movie, Farrah or no Farrah. Speaking of which I know this is something she's not listing on her resume, you better believe. Oh well different strokes for different folks.


I Paid $2 for a Widescreen DVD of this. THe Australian and UK DVDs are in Widescreen (Non-16:9). And it's UNCUT, it runs for 103 Minutes. Very clear and worth the $2 I paid for it.


I agree that the wording of the petition is not a very strong sell. No offense intended to the author who went to the trouble to set it up, but if we really want to succeed, it should have a more positive tone.



If you don't like it, keep it to yourself. Plenty of us here do.

Stay Punk!


All for it. ANyone else know what was cut. Blue Dreamers is part, but what else?


i signed your stupid thing, hope they get that nudity in there like i requested.
LENNY: "Nuthin like revenge for gettin back at people."
CARL: "Yeah, Vengance is good too though"


yeah we need a better version of this to study in college... how NOT to make a movie.
otherwise it just might sell well in adult stores... as an exotic porn-ish.


I'd sign your petition if it wasn't for one detail. Why does your Petition call for "fixed-up special effects for some scenes"? That is the last thing the world needs. I'm tired of all this revisionist treatment of movies. If a film was made in 1980 then leave the film in 1980. Everyone seems to think that these films are somehow faulty because their effects and editing techniques aren't the latest and greatest. Don't get me wrong I'm all for film restoration but changing past films because they're not done the modern way is denying what these films are. Sorry about the soapbox I just needed say thst.

