MovieChat Forums > Saturn 3 (1980) Discussion > what a miserable movie

what a miserable movie

one of the dullest sci-fi movies I've seen


I don't know about that. I've seen Solaris!


"Solaris" sucked really bad.


Wow, so I guess it takes at least 2nd place after 2001, right? Because 2001 was far more boring to me than this movie -- at least I've watched Saturn 3 a few times on late-night TV, but I just can't stay awake if I turn on 2001.


I'm watching it right now on 'ShowtimeBeyond' Channel 244 and it was one of those movies that just seemed to flash by in the early 80s that I vaguely remember like another sci-fi movie starring former 'Happy Days' co-star Erin Moran in 'Devil Planet?' or some title like that. Back then in the early 80s as a kid, I probably would have dismissed this in light of Star Wars. Today, I look at it to see how other craftsmen/women approached design of sets, costumes, and vehicles etc. The acting is actually quite good I see and since I've read a lot of the Commonwealth Series it's interesting to imagine if those costumes could actually be lifted from that movie to CW series. The special effects for the vehicles seem no different from what the Japanese were still employing since the 1960s, it's just that with S3 it's sparingly used. What saves this film is actor Kirk Douglas and actress Farrah Fawcetts acting which is believable if this were Japanese it would have been flat and wince inducing.

I'm looking at this film in terms of the sci-fi books that I have read and looking more at the costumes and sets. It's interesting to note the different styles of costumes from mid50s sci-fi movies to Lost in Space to Logan's Run to Silent Running to Star Wars etc.


Eldorado 1999 is 100% right. This IS one the dullest Sci Fi movies I've ever seen in my life. Was watching it today, with nothing better to do, and it actually made me want to clean my room rather than sit through this.

Hey Eldorado, I already replied to some post for a guy who's actually starting a petition to get this movie released on some kind of "Special Edition Uncut" dvd. Imagine that, it stinks so bad, there are people out there that want a ultimate stinkyness version. Never ceases to amaze me.

I for one can't believe the great Harvey Keitel was in a movie like this. And they had his voice DUBBED?! For what reason? This is certainly not a feather in the great Kirk Douglas's cap either. Even Farrah proved she can do way better later on, but this, on man this is bad. OH well whatever. Later.


Though I'm very much tempted to completely amend my earlier statement because it is poorly and clumsily expressed I'll just leave it as it is and say this anyway. In some ways my response would have been almost like that of Antmarron's except for one thing: I would have never seen this movie in the first place, because admittedly, I was such a Star Wars enthusiast that I would have critiqued it by the trailer alone and then laugh it off as just another production trying to follow after, maybe, Star Wars.

Well, after seeing this movie only recently, to my mind, without having to compare it to those breakthrough movies in the same genre, I think it does stand on it's own. I kind of think of it in that, certainly before Star Wars, 'Dark Star', 'Logan's Run' and 'Silent Running' seemed to be at the cusp of something that was about to declare the beginning of something different and new and a departure from the visual and, maybe, story telling style from earlier times.

So....Antmarron, you probably trolled over to some guy who on his own is doing something out of enjoyment for this move for himself and is just looking around for others who may share this interest. And what's so wrong with that, he's doing no harm to anyone and what's it to YOU, hunh?!? And with a whole lot of nerve and with a whole lot of Big Show you declare how in utter disbelief and astonished you are.

Your loud self-announced, subjective declaration 'This IS one of the dullest Sci Fi movies I've ever seen in my life.' Is just that. A lame declarative opinion. The only other statement you provide for this is 'stinks so bad' and a non-word, 'stinkyness' which, you didn't even bother to correct. Soooo, let's we what do we have concerning your regard (I'm being gracious here) for this movie:

1. Dullest
2. Stinks so bad.
3. Ultimate stinkyness version.
4. Oh, man this is bad.
5. It never ceases to amaze me.

*Guess what, though--All throughout you continue on and on and on and on but never, ever indicate anything substantial to explain and justify your phoniness and even more phonier lambasting.

Antmarron, give up. You sound exactly like a NAGGING, HOUSEWIFE TROLL. Nag, nag, nag....nag, nag, nag....nag, nag, nag. Get off the rag. Troll.


Hey Michael, I don't know what the problem is, but YOU sound like the Troll here to me. As for what I wrote I stand by it, but if you didn't like and have criticism's on what I said fine, but don't be bitter about it.

You have no idea how incredibly stupid you just made yourself look. You have a problem with my supposed self declaration of calling "Saturn 3" The dullest Sci Fi movie I've ever seen in my life, but the guy who started the thread has it under the heading "What a miserable movie" and he said simply in his post, "one of the dullest sci fi movies I've seen". But to him you were civil and said nothing, but you have a some sort of a problem with my elaborating on what he said. Let's see I saw no righteous anger on your part that he felt that way, so what's the problem here Mikey? I gave a better argument than you did? Your name should be Michaelhasrocksinthehead

And if I considered it one of the dullest Sci Fi movies I ever saw, that's my business. It's not yours. If I wanted to bring to Eldorado's attention that someone here was starting a petition on getting a uncut and extended version of this crap on dvd, then that's my business too. What the hell are you doing posting in this thread if you didn't feel the same way I wonder?

Me thinks the reason you are on IMDB replying to my post is because of two things, you're HIDING from your nagging housewife or you ARE the nagging housewife. Go watch Saturn 3 again Michael and shut up. And you would know all about rags now would you Michael? I'll bet a bundle with you and the Mrs. you share them between you both. As for your use of the word "TROLL" I bet you thought that was a academy award winner too don't ya Mike?

"Let's give it to Mikey, He'll watch ANYTHING! He likes it! He likes it! Mikey Likes it!"


That was uncalled for on my part and I apologize to you, Antmarron. I had no right and I deserve that rebuking.

What you see is not necessarily what you get,
Not trying is dying, keep trying unto death....


I agree. A pretty uneventful filler that has too much time to kill and the actors know it. It's lavished A-grade production values stuck in a cheesy B-grade format.

"Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies."


I just cannot stand science fiction where the science is so bad it is laughable.
