Saturn 3 remake?

Has anyone else heard that they might be remaking Saturn 3?
I heard James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger are intrested, with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the voice of the computer?

If it does happen who do you think should be cast as the 3 main leads?

What about:

Leonardo DiCaprio - Adam
Abbie Cornish - Alex
Hugh Jackman - Benson

What do you think?


I think the actor playing Benson needs to be younger than whoever plays Adam, as part of the story was how Benson's younger looks and demeanor got Alex thinking that there was more to life than living alone with an older guy !


Cameron's off doing a totally separate SF project, from what I've read... Would be an interesting remake for someone, though...
(edit: Just saw where you got that from. It's a possible for Cameron to produce, but not direct)

As for casting...

DeCaprio is far far too lightweight, (not to mention young) an actor for a part like that.

Adam - Perfect choice - Kurt Russel. Hugh Jackman, or Russel Crowe would be okay at a push, while Arnie would be an excellent substitute if he gets back into movies. (The whole point with the Adam character is an older bloke, who perhaps remembers things the way they used to be, when humanity was better) Maybe Sam Neill. Sam would be excellent, but if the character was a little different. Actually, Michael Douglas wouldn't be bad! As a nice bit of ironic continuity! ;-)

Alex - Could be played by any young up-and-coming starlet, but would be interesting to see someone with a little more bite. Dina Meyer? Sanaa Lathan? Anna Paquin? Connie Nielson? Bridget Moynahan? Or perhaps Natasha Henstridge?

Benson - You need someone mature in presence(So DeCaprio's out), but not necessarily in age, and who can play a self-centred nutjob. I'd like to say Sam Neill, but he's too old now. Ryan Phillippe would be very good. Possibly Viggo Mortenson. Brad Pitt could play a cold, egotistical narcissist well(and easily). I could see Matthew McConaughey doing quite well. He could easily do that character and bring a little more life to it as well, without losing the menace.

