MovieChat Forums > Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Discussion > Why did Ted sleep with Phyllis?

Why did Ted sleep with Phyllis?

I didn't like the scene where Ted asks his associate Phyllis for a dinner date and in the next scene, they are shown sleeping together. I mean, does it have to be that way for every man after his wife leaves him? He must find sexual resort in the arms of another woman? the scene thereafter where Ted's son sees Phyllis naked is equally embarrassing too .


Why not? He's single and there's no reason why the guy can't have sex with somebody.


The guy is not ready to get into a new relationship, but wants female companionship. That's pretty typical. And the scene where his son sees his lover naked is supposed to be embarrassing. It's part of Ted's creating a new life for himself -- another issue he has to deal with as a single father.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


Yes and don't forget, she likes fried chicken. That's also an important part about the scene.


He got the URGE.

Why did Joanna leave him? From the same reason - he wasn't paying attention to his wife no more. Plus, that was more important for her than her child.

When a woman leaves a man, it's 99 per cents for another man. Even if she isn't aware of it.


Uh. It was her idea. That was 1979.


iHe must find sexual resort in the arms of another woman?

Who would you like him to have sex with - a chimpanzee?



...does it have to be that way for every man after his wife leaves him? He must find sexual resort in the arms of another woman?
Are you shallow and can only think in terms of how things would affect you? How do you know that is the way it is for EVERY man who's wife leave him and would it have a different perceptive for you, if it was a woman who sleeps with another man, if her husband had left her? Why would you even bother to make such an an inane post, about being embarrassed about seeing a naked woman in a movie, that is in absolute context. It it was a naked man, would that make it easier for you?


Why would you assume this film is an example of how 'every man is after his wife leaves him'??
This is a film, showing ONE man.

To answer your question as to why, its because he wanted to sleep with Phyllis.
He was attracted to her, and she to him.
I agree the nudity scene after was rather silly. It is tacky as well, but one must remember this was made in 1978. The sexual mores, especially on film, were not the same as today at all.
The film depicts the nudity as not affecting Billy at all, and it didn't. It wasn't even an issue to him. These days, parents would yell "He saw her NAKED! He's TRAUMATIZED!" or some such nonsense.
Billy shouldn't have seen Phyllis naked, yes, but it was depicted as a mistake in the it should be.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I agree the nudity scene after was rather silly. It is tacky as well, but one must remember this was made in 1978. The sexual mores, especially on film, were not the same as today at all.
Do you think that they don't have silly nudity scenes in films today? It has nothing to do with the era the film came out in. The late 70's, wasn't a prudish time for film and could be considered even less head shaking and not so pc, unlike today, which has gone overboard.

I can't recall if there was a similar scene like this in the book and if not, it doesn't really matter, because it placed a need that Ted had and turned it into something natural and humorous, born out of the moment. So no, it wasn't tacky and if the situation was reversed with male nudity, would you be making the same comment? That's right, I forgot, only women being naked in a film is exploitation.


That was my point. That the '70s were LESS prudish than today!
Today a woman naked in front of a child that young would be a serious *scandal*.

I think it was rather inappropriate for the time....or for ANY time....but that is my opinion only.
Nudity itself is not shameful, not at all. But there is such a thing as 'appropriate'. A grown woman, especially a strange actress, shouldn't be naked in front of a child under age 13!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Was the scene edited, with the boy in the same shot? She also covered her breasts and genital area. Usually with acting and children and if it is something that is in context with the narrative, I think a discussion would be held with the child's parents and even some counseling. These were professionals film-makers and had no intention of acting "inappropriately" towards Justin Henry.

Jodie Foster went through counseling I believe, for TAXI DRIVER-76'. The scene was also incidental nudity and not done to titillate or sexualize the child. I doubt the child actor, was traumatized by the experience. Double standards would apply though, if it was a female child and the grown up actor was a nude male, then it would have been considered controversial.



....with men their genitals are on the outside so there's more to show
For me Nan, that is what I like about holds barred, or do I really mean "bared"? 😉 Us men, can't help our physiology and it does appear hypocritical that it would appear more shocking, if the situation were reversed. The paradox is, if it was little girl who inadvertently ran into her mother's embarrassed and naked male lover in the hallway, she would likely find it hilarious. Billy just appeared to accept the situation and was unphased, as though it was normal for him to meet a naked woman on the way to the bathroom. It was very cute, how he asked Phyllis if she liked fried chicken. He could have asked her anything and she would have been in total compliance.

