Weak Ending?

Anyone else feel the ending for this movie is a little weak? I was really enjoying it up until that point.....anyone else feel the same?

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Yeah, after a long bitter court battle the mother wins custody. . .and just gives it up, just like that. I don't believe it would happen in a million years. I felt they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. They gave us a custody result that was realistic (mom winning), but also let the father and son stay together.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


Agreed. That would be it. She'd never get another chance.


Absolutely agree. Perfect example of a stereotypical "Hollywood ending" - weak and unrealistic. Otherwise a good movie, though.


The ending was the point of why it was powerful. Of course, it seems unrealistic for Joanna to change just like that, but some suspension of disbelief is called for.


I'm actually happy it ended that way because I wasn't in the mood to cry anymore. I know an one on one between Streep and the young boy was going. To have me sobbing. But I get where you are coming from,it ended so abruptly. As if they didn't just said *beep* it.


I totally agree, i thought the ending was very unrealistic and i wanted it to end the way it would happen in real life, but i guess they wanted to go with the happy ending and didn't want the mother to look so bad


Nope - it was a very strong ending.


Yes, and nice symmetry with the elevator scene where she leaves. The smile on his face as they embrace is the real ending- everything after is gravy.


No, I thought the ending was basically perfect.

The premise of the film was about maturity & the value of relationships.
The ending of Joanna giving custody to Ted shows that she herself has matured.
She realizes, once she stops fighting blindly, what the current situation REALLY is. That things (and particularly people) are not the same any more.

Ted has changed also. He realizes he's not the only *star* in the universe.
Plus that there is a lot more to being a family man than just bringing home the money.
He establishes a loving relationship, possibly the very first one ever, with his son. Makes peace with Joanna.

I thought the scene was great where he smiles, shakes his head slightly & sadly at Joanna when the lawyer rips into her about whether she is a failure.
Even in the midst of getting what he wants, he still feels a little bad for her and doesn't want her to take all the blame for their divorce.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
