MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Anyone find the deaths of Max's wife and...

Anyone find the deaths of Max's wife and baby upsetting?

Seeing a baby killed.


The better question is if they didn't, in which case they need to get their head checked.


well, you don't actually see a baby (or mother) being killed. it's inferred by the shoe and ball rolling across the road.

It’s ridiculous to critique a movie with the argument 'it's not real, so it doesn't matter'


Max's wife isn't killed. This is made clear later on.

It’s ridiculous to critique a movie with the argument 'it's not real, so it doesn't matter'.


Uh, yeah, she did die. The doctor said she wasn't going to make it, but said to lie to Max that she'd be fine, but he overheard them. Given the fact she never shows up again in the movie or any of the sequels, pretty safe to say she's dead.


Yes! When I saw this when I was 11 in 1991 on TV. But then I started to laugh when the bikers started to die! Bubba would made a great meal for the crows!


Max found it pretty upsetting. He went off and killed a bunch of dudes.


Max found it pretty upsetting. He went off and killed a bunch of dudes.

LOL, yeah, he sure did haha 

The better question is if they didn't, in which case they need to get their head checked.


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


What made the deaths of Max's family really upsetting was that if the old lady trying to protect Max's wife and child had a lighter AR-15 with a high caliber magazine clip full of multiple rounds instead of the heavier shotgun good for two shots before reloading to use against Toecutter's gang, the movie would have had a happier ending. But at least Mad Max's tragic scene provides a great argument the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America can use against strict gun control. :)


Yeah when I first watched this back in the early 90's on TV, my first assumption was the gang would kill Jessie and Sprog there and then on the Farm which they could have done.

It was just blind panic in a an extreme situation, I mean do any of us have a back up plan for Biker gang chasing us. Jessie could have used May as a smokescreen to escape, then have May drop Jessie and Sprogg off before reaching the main road so they could hide somewhere, I dunno, yeah that did bug me too BUT then Max would have no reason to go psycho crazy mad, hmm....



I actually expected their deaths to be much more gruesome, but at least we didn't actually see them get run over.
And of course it'd be upsetting -- it was Max losing his family! The death of Goose sure shooked him up, but it was this that shattered him.


You didn't have to see them run over, they were doing the Hitchcock way of doing it, all you see is bikes going pass and her falling.

