MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Something that's always bugged me

Something that's always bugged me

At the farmhouse, after Jessie and the old woman have locked up Toecutter's gang in the barn, why do they then get in the car with Sprog and drive away? Shouldn't they stay and keep guard, and wait for Max? He wasn't far away, he'd have heard the gunshot and be hurrying back. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

But it gets worse. After the car has broken down on the road, the old woman, knowing the thugs are rapidly approaching on their motorcycles, tells Jessie to grab Sprog and make a run for it up the road.....In the name of God, why? They must both realize that Jessie can't possibly outrun them. Stupid.


In hindsight leaving hastily in the car was a mistake, but it is plausible. She did it in the heat of the moment, she was very scared, she wasn't sure how long Max would take to get back (gunshots can be heard from miles away where there's no backround noise like at a farm), all she wanted to do was get herself and her kid as far away from the bikers as possible.

Even if she had waited for Max to return, there was not much that he could have done as he would have been seriously outnumbered with only a 2 barreled shotgun which already had one shot spent.

I wasn't impressed that she left May (little old lady) there all alone with those crazy bikers.

And you are right about her running straight down the road and no veering off into the scrub. But let's face it they would have seen her and eventually caught her one way or another anyway, I guess the director wanted to speed it up and make it a less 'personal' and messy death.

And why didn't even one of those bikers crash when they hit her? It is very hard to stay upright on a bike when you hit something weighing 50-60kg at that speed. The biker would at least be injured.





The movie was so weak . 2/10 !


I would have grabbed the baby and ran too, fast! These guys were nuts. "Cundalini wants his hand back," for instance, lol.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Don't try to find any sense in this movie is my take-away.

I own you.


Since when do women make rational decisions?


Yes I was thinking the same thing...this ruined most of the movie for me, loved the movie as a kid but today this is a retarded scene in an overrated movie...even if the rest of the mad max movies becomes to hollywood and goes over the top, this one take the price as retarded cake of crap...its just so weak today and there isnt any art at all in this movie, everything looks like crap and bad acting except Gibson and that sniper shot with a sawn off shotgun made me laugh out if you make a retarded low budget crap movie...its called art? Im laughing at this stupidity...

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Fear makes people act irrationally. What baffled me was Max's choice to leave his wife and son unattended so he could go looking for the bikers. Talk about a bad call. Best thing he could have done was brought his wife inside, loaded up as many guns as he could and stay right there not letting them out of his sight.
