
I've always found the Toecutter to be a fascinating villain. He's a psychopathic butcher, but he also seems strangely eloquent and polite. What do we suppose his backstory is? Where does he come from, how did he become the man he is in the movie?


Fortunately we'll never know. it's part of his mystery that shouldn't be explained. I do agree, he is more 3 dimensional that most psychopaths depicted in movies.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


he was born into a normal family went to school and did well but when the world started to get worse and civilization started to compress. the big cities including the one he himself lived in fell.. riots and the police started to become more and more violent and oppressive, he fled the city on his father's motorcycle went from town to town the thought of the bronze taking everything started to tear away and slowly drove him mad and became murderous road trash. his charisma and intelligence lured the lesser minded we meet him roughly 15 years after this


That's actually quite good.


thank you, lifelong fan of the series.. read your post and gears started turning
