MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Feels like a student project

Feels like a student project

Just watched it and I wanna say this movie is objectively bad. Sure, it has some (lame) stunts, but that's about it. In all of the possible ways it seems amateurish.
Maybe it was Miller's student project, I don't even know and that's totally fine if it was. There's just no need to praise this as a good movie, when it's not.

Guys with nostalgia glasses, please don't reply! =)

I own you.


It was the first feature length film he made, on a very low budget of something around $300,000. It definitely has its flaws but I think it is an interesting film nonetheless.


it's not far off a student movie. i mean it's not a hollywood production in any sense. it'd be like if you got a bunch of your mates and went out to make a movie (but you're not allowed to use any CGI).

but i disagree that the stunts are lame.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


When I wrote the post I had known at least 3 examples of their lameness, cause I knew someone would confront me on that.

They're lame by today's standards and by a Hollywood standards. They are sped up, you can see wires in some scenes, you can see they're dolls/manequeens in others. That's what I mean. They did some damage to their cars, but nothing really impressive - that would be HARD TO REPLICATE by other filmmakers!

I own you.



They could've been done well in 1979, only money was stopping them. They were cheap and therefore lame.
I own you.



Have you consitered the possibility that they did the best(which was pretty good) with the money they were able to get?

No argues here.

I own you.


Your opinion is like the contents of your lower intestine, stinky.
Truth is no defense to the overarching goal of submission.


the contents of your lower intestine doesnt stink?
I own you.
