Great soundtrack!

Although not a great film by any means,
the soundtrack was just fantastic.
Mixing in a variety 60's music of different styles/genres.
Some songs I heard even suprised me to be in the movie.

Just has the first one incorporated great music, (Great film anyway)
this one did as well. (Not such a great film)

Made the film much more enjoyable though.


Why is everybody hating on this film so much? Sure its not quite as good as the original but its the goddamn sequel, dammit! Everything about this movie is great. The soundtrack, the characters, the storyline. Lucas disowns every single film of his based on what other people think about it. Its like every single film he's rejected are his bastard children that are just trying to seek comfort with someone who does care about them. I know i'm probably gonna get killed for this but here it goes anyway; This film is miles better than the f ucking Godfather! Thats not saying much considering the Godfather is an overrated pile of junk that, despite its mediocrity, is ranked among some of the best films in hollywood history, but its still damn good (speaking of course of More American Graffiti). This film deserves far more respect than it has. Does every single film that comes out have to be a goddamn work of art? Why can't people see this great film for what it is? Why does every single film that George Lucas makes have to be some *beep* sci-fi epic. Why not a simple, feel good movie that doesn't require your full attention to enjoy?

That Thing That Happened In Waco Where The Church Exploded Was Pretty Freakin Sweet!


There is nothing sweet about this movie. This was suppose to be a fun movie about the 60's and it turned into a pile of political crap. I was against Vietnam too, but in this moveie I was rooting for the Viet Cong to kill whiny ass Tood once and for all, and instead they kill Milner. Crap, pure soap opera crap. BTW, I like the Godfather, that was fun.
