
Was Cory supposed to be wild? I mean I know she did drugs, but she was hooking up with Mark at that party, and then later Carl lol!!!


Like most F-ed up kids, she probably was single parent raised, she talked about her dad a few times and seemed dominated by him. I would guess he molested her regularly, so to dull the pain, she resorted to being stoned as much as possible (remember how Richie and Claude always talked about her being high all the time) & wanted to escape her misery by driving a truck for her Uncles business. Sad.


I suspect her reputation was overblown a bit. Surely, there was one (or several) girls in your middle school who hung out with slightly older guys (when you're 14, a 16-year-old seems darn old. Lol). Invariably, they had a wild reputation even if it wasn't well founded. Bottom line: Cory smoked a bit of pot.... like everybody else. But she was able to dump some stranger's pot on the floor for laughs (when her and Abby broke into a house) so it wasn't like she was a fiend who needed every bit of pot she could get her hands on. She dated one older boy who turned out to be a douche before hooking up with Carl but that hardly makes her different or confirms her as a slut.
