Heaven Tshirt

I tuned into Roller Boogie to see Bobby wearing a 'Heaven' Tshirt. Anyone else remember the Heaven stores? They were owned by Rite Aid. I believe they all closed by 1986


Suzanne Fellini wore one on the cover of her album too. I don't remember the stores; I thought it was a disco in the UK so that's interesting to hear.


I recognized the shirt as I had a pair of black denim Heaven jeans. I found an article http://articles.latimes.com/1985-07-11/business/fi-8618_1_rite-aid And there were Heaven stores in CA that were not closed in the 80s

This photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202137555893688&set=p.10 202137555893688&type=1&theater is from a FB page devoted to Heaven Stores


Wow. What all did they sell was it just clothing?
