Linda Blair's bod

I know she is not nude, but is she hot enough in this , to buy the film?


Yep, great legs too...


IIRC,she was going through a chubby stage in this.


I don't think she was chubby at all, but of course... by todays standards.....

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She was certainly not chubby in this movie. She looks to be about at her peak in this film, pretty damn gorgeous.




The links I provided got blocked because hotlinking was not allowed. Here is a link to the site where there are 15 pages of pics from the movie, all featuring Linda Blair.

Also, it looks like the guy that said she was fat in this movie deleted his posts. I wonder why???


Don't have permission to see those photos.

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She's not chubby but her face is that way. Also, her legs aren't too thin. Overall, she's got a nice body in this film but I don't think anyone would describe her as being too thin. :-)



I think she looks like the pillsbury dough-girl in this film- but that's just me.


This movie is absolutely putrid but seeing Linda Blair's body made it "almost" worthwhile, her blonde friend was looking pretty good too.

The way I see it, is that we weren't retreating, we were just attacking in a new direction.


She was thick. But she was tight, toned and tanned.

The clothing is all spandex and leggings. You can see her shape but her butt and legs are usually covered up some how. She has a very short bikini scene and it looks like she is sucking in while sitting by the pool when she gets up she puts a towel around her waist so you can't see nuthin'.


I came.


What???? Linda Blair was fat and thick in this movie??? HUH?? What shallow and pathetic times we live in now. She looked GREAT! And NO one back then would even think for a second that she was over weight. You all must prefer the Paris Hilton types. ICK!



Relax "thick" is just another term for shaply thats all.



Linda is voluptuous in this film... definitely hot but some guys prefer the build of her blonde friend who had curves but was slightly less full-figured than Linda. I do think Linda was at her hottest in her twenties and thirties.


Linda Blair's body and pantyhosed legs in this movie is so stunning and absolutely eye-popping!! :-)


Thumbs up from me matey 

...You can never put too much thought into something worthwhile; merely not enough...


came here to see if anyone had posted on this .. not sure if it's worth paying for or any of that .. but she was looking mighty good in this movie .. nice butt .. just the right amount of meat on her bones .. not fat at all .. not skinny .. just right


This movie is absolutely peak Linda Blair, worth watching for her alone, she's incredible.
