MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Discussion > my oath of celibacy is on record captain

my oath of celibacy is on record captain

its so funny she has to point that out to Kirk


She knew Kirk was a horny ladiesman. So actually she was saying to Kirk: try as much as you want, horny man, i took an oath.

I'm just on my way up to Clavius.



It is explained in the novel that having sex with a Deltan can be dangerous or even fatal to a human, hence the need for the oath.

Must have been Gene's ultimate fantasy.

17 Fake CJs Ignored (and counting)


It is explained in the novel that having sex with a Deltan can be dangerous or even fatal to a human, hence the need for the oath.

Must have been Gene's ultimate fantasy.
LMAO!  Getting fcked to death by a hot bald chick. I have heard of some crazy fetishes in my life but OMG. I wonder if he also wanted to be in diapers as well.

But seriously, Why the heck does she point that oath out, out of the blue like that?

My Vote history:


She really doesn't point it out "out of the blue". Kirk and most of the crew already know of the seductive danger of Deltans, so she's only being sensibly pre-emptive in assuaging their worries, i.e., "Don't worry, everybody - my celibacy oath is officially on record. Now let's get down to business."


She really doesn't point it out "out of the blue". Kirk and most of the crew already know of the seductive danger of Deltans, so she's only being sensibly pre-emptive in assuaging their worries, i.e., "Don't worry, everybody - my celibacy oath is officially on record. Now let's get down to business."
I'm not sure I saw anyone express any type of worry. Perhaps I missed it?

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You didn't notice Uhura going out of her way to announce to the bridge crew that Ilia was Deltan? Would Uhura generally do that for new crew members?

"The new crewman, Chief DiFalco, is en-route to the bridge. Captain, she's...human!"

"The new science officer, Commander Sonak, is en-route to the bridge. Captain, he's...Vulcan!"

"Commander Montgomery Scott is en-route to the bridge. Captain, he's...Scottish!"


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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Yes, but us as an audience would not know that Deltans are dangerous to be intimate with. Heck, I have watched nearly episode of TOS and I do not remember that being mentioned anywhere. For all we know she mentioned she was Deltan to explain why she has no hair! 

My Vote history:


I had no idea either. I like digging up little trivia bits in novels and such, but this is a point that should have been made clear in the film.


It reminds me of Doug Walker's Nostalgia Critic review that Ilia needs to learn about proper social skills when introducing herself.


Perhaps it's similar to a male alien species which might have a large penis that can shoot laser beams when aroused. He would say also that he took an oath not to undertake any sexual activities for the safety of the ship and its crew.


I thought it was directed at Decker.


Correct, Kirk was maybe a bit skeptical when he realizes Decker knows this bald chick a bit too well. She notices this look on Kirks face and quickly brings up her celibacy vows before he thinks she and Decker could get inappropriate down the line.


I was a kid when this film first came out. I didn’t even know the word celibacy so it didn’t bother me and I enjoyed the film all the same. :)
