MovieChat Forums > When a Stranger Calls (1979) Discussion > Clifford's choice of weapon (lock needle...

Clifford's choice of weapon (lock needle)

When Clifford initially pursues the murderer with the intent of killing him, the only weapon he has is a lock needle. Since [SPOILERS] Clifford eventually catches up with the murderer and finishes him off with a gun, why did he decide on such a strange and limiting weapon to begin with? Even a knife would have been more reliable and effective.


I assume he wanted to be able to claim self defence or something so he wanted to use an improvised weapon rather than a clearly offensive one. a plan which might have had a better chance if he hadn't told a cop about it beforehand (old friend or not)

still, when the husband pulls out a shotgun I couldn't help laughing at the idea that an ex-cop turned private investigator in pursuit of a killer didn't seem to have a gun (of course it later turned out he did) and yet this guy had a bloody shotgun!

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


The long gun the husband had appeared to be a pump action .22cal. The kind used in carnival shooting galleries. The magazine tube was to small for shotgun shells.
