MovieChat Forums > Too Close for Comfort (1980) Discussion > Confused by something, maybe somebody ca...

Confused by something, maybe somebody can help?

Why would the family have to move when Henry accepts the job in Marin County? Isn't it just over the bridge from San Francisco?

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"


Maybe they felt it was time for a change.

What is more implausible is that Monroe winds up going with them and getting a job alongside the Rushes at the newspaper. The Henry we know would have used this move as a golden opportunity to get away from Monroe, once and for all.


Doesn't Henry say something like "I can't commute" when talking about the new job? That's what me think that Marin County was very far away.
As for Monroe, we all know under his gruff, short-tempered exterior, Henry was actually very found of Monroe. ;-)

"Qui conduisait la voiture?"
