Strange Question

Years ago, I saw an episode where Muriel and some people were holed up in the men's room for some reason and she asked why there was ice in the bowl. The audience laughed while the cast mates looked at her uncomfortably. Her question was distracted and to this day, does anyone know why there was ice in the urinal?


I always assumed it was a urinal cake?

You better understand I'm in love with myself Myself My beautiful self


That was the joke! Because a woman would technically be unfamiliar with a men's restroom, she might think the urinal cake was ice. Just like a man in a woman's restroom might not know what the tampon dispenser is for.

The mind boggles...


No, some men's rooms do put ice in the urinals especially bars. They are cheaper than the cakes and hide the smell better.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.



Yeah, I'm making a joke, dickhead.

Of course, it doesn't work as well as real deodorizers but like I said, it's cheaper. If you have a problem with it go around to the bars and take it up with them.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.



I do use urinals a lot because I have a social life and a penis. Sorry that you have neither. Nice homophobia there. (If you're a lady, of course you've never seen ice in urinals.)

I put the links to prove a fact and so that you can learn something. Yes, researching is done by people who have the desire and the ability to learn things instead of saying "is this a joke?" and "this is stupid". Sorry that you don't have those either. That's why this thread exists. The OP is doing research. But I apologize because I forgot that if you've never seen something then no one else in the world has either.

Dumb, homophobic, profane... Senator Santorum, it's an honor.

George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.

