Monroe and the two women....

What exactly happened on this episode? Can anyone tell me?


As I recall, Monroe got kidnapped and raped by two fat women in their van. When Mr. Rush found out he went to confront them with Munroe and they raped both of them. They also put Monroe between two mattresses and sat on him. This was 80s sitcoms at their best.


I don't think Henry was raped!

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes



I just watched the episode on Antennatv.

Monroe was kidnapped off of his motorcycle and blindfolded while leaving his job as a security guard at the mall. The two women "had their way with him" all night long in their apartment (the word "rape" was never used in the episode). He said that they let him take the blindfold off, but when he saw what they looked like he asked for it back. The only other detail given was that they made him get into a bathtub full of Jello.

Henry helps Monroe recall the location of the apartment. They go there, and one of the women, who is a dead-ringer for Mimi from the Drew Carey show and is credited only as "Charlene" in the credits, opens the door. Monroe immediately recognizes her and runs away. Henry is caught off guard and pulled inside by the woman, and she slams the door and locks it. She then calls for her friend in another room, Monica, and tells her to heat up the Jello. She assumes that Henry is Monroe's father, and he angrily responds that this is not a social call. She tells him to lighten up, and pushes him into a recliner. She proceeds to jump in his lap, causing him to scream out in pain. She calls for Monica again, describing Henry as "a heavy breather". He pushes her off and takes a defensive pose. She moves to the wall and pulls down a Murphy bed, ordering him to "hit the sheets". Henry warns her that Monroe is currently calling the police and that they'll be here any minute. She laughs him off, claiming the cops only come to this neighborhood to party. He angrily proclaims that she can't make him get into the bed, so she calls Monica again. Monica finally enters the scene, and her hulking frame spooks Henry out, causing him to jump on the bed. The bed tilts back up into the wall, with Henry hidden behind it. End of scene.

In the next scene at the Rush apartment, it is explained that Monroe was mugged on his way to the phone booth, and that Muriel had called the police right after she saw them leave the Rush apartment. Henry then returns home with the police inspector, proclaiming that the women were arrested just before they were able to subdue him.


What?? Which season was this?

Never saw it!


It was the 23rd episode produced in the 4th season, but wasn't originally aired until the middle of the 5th season. Antennatv is airing all the episodes in production order.


Yeah, I just saw it on Antenna. It was pretty good but very unrealistic.

Name one woman or group of women in the HISTORY of America that goes around raping MEN!!

But TCFC is so good they made it into a good show. I really don't think there's a SINGLE bad episode in this entire series!


Name one woman or group of women in the HISTORY of America that goes around raping MEN!! you have any IDEA how ridiculous and insensitive that statement is? What about school teachers who have slept with their under age students? (yes, that is considered rape), women who (while it is not as common as men who...) molest and rape children? A man can be raped by a woman the same way a woman can be raped by a man.



Sorry Desperado YOU need to think before you type!

You are totally forgetting the context of episode we're talking about! These were 2 ADULT women who supposedly raped a big strong ADULT man!

You cannot name ONE confirmed case where that's happened in America!

I agree it's bad when an adult woman molests a boy but in MOST cases the molestation is used very loosely!

I recall when I was in jr.high there was super hot teacher I had and there is NO WAY I would've felt bad or threatened if that lady came on to me!! Ask most guys and they'll tell it would be like DREAM come true!

YOU are forgetting there are fundamental differences between the sexes!! It's not like the women you're talking about cut off the genitals of these boys or did anything like that!!


Can you imagine an episode of Seinfeld, or 2 1/2 men with this storyline?

Conservatives hate what people do -- Liberals hate who people are.


No, megafauna005, YOU need to think before YOU type...

Yes, there is such a thing.

Your argument is too weak to be considered valid. Comparing Monroe's double team of 2 belligerent ugly cows vs. your "super-hot teacher" fantasy? That's a wildly uneven comparison and even you know it!

Why IS IT whenever guys refute that there is such a thing as male rape victims, nearly EVERY TIME they compare it to their adolescent boner fantasies of chicks they wish they could've had?

Typical response: "There's no such thing as male rape victims! If my (best friend's mom/my teacher/that girl I crushed on/my nanny/my babysitter/FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE NAME OF ANY CHICK I FOUND HOT DURING MY ADOLESCENCE) had taken advantage of me, I would've been thrilled!" You're off daydreaming while not even answering the question, ya stupid cave-ape lol.

Dictionary definiton of rape:
1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
3. statutory rape.
4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
5. Archaic . the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

Now that we established that rape is the act of someone you DO NOT WANT or find the least bit attractive forcefully taking sex from you AGAINST your will, perhaps you can acknowledge now that there IS such a thing...

What if that "hot teacher" had instead looked more like Mrs Stinson lol or the principal from Allen Gregory or Mimi from the Drew Carey show or any chick you can think of who is the most un-hot that you can imagine? And she locked you in the classroom and forced herself on you? What if she had bad humid funk breathing on you, body/facial hair, feminine/body odor and her body was a frightful mess? Or you had a mix-up with the law and wound up in jail and your cell mate has dropped a very clear hint that either you comply or you'll get your ass beat?

Maybe this comparison will lend you the right perspective: Have you seen the movie "Misery"? If that insane-ass woman who broke her hostage's legs were crazy enough to have her way with her victim sexually...would you not consider that rape? She was as unattractive as she was nuts, and he was bound and tied against his will. This fits the #1,#2, 4 & 5 definitions of rape.
It seems that most men need a little help understanding how they can possibly be raped. It's simple: it's someone forcing themselves upon you whom you want nothing to do with sexually...and that person succeeding in overpowering you to take sex from you, be it physical force or a weapon such as a gun. The same definition of what it's like for a FEMALE victim. Duh!

If the Misery movie scenario doesn't lend you any insight, then how about the movie Deliverance, where there is no theoretical rape, but an actual one? From MALE hillbillies? Rape is rape.

On a side note: You may be surprised to find that fat chicks can be freakishly strong, believe me, I used to BE one a long time ago LOL.


The episode has been posted on Youtube:


It reminds me a lot of the Diff'rent Strokes "Bicycle Man" episode. Such a disturbing topic treated with a laugh track.

I get that both shows wanted to approach the subject (esp. in the 1980s when every episode was "Very Special"), but the wisecracks sprinkled in kinda muddled the point.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


You are SO right, I thought the very same thing: hearing the laugh track
(and SO OFTEN) was a little disturbing, given the subject matter.

The irony of Monroe's statement of how male rape victims are trivialized, paired along seeing with Monroe's rape trivialized by the overuse of the laugh track is NOT lost on me.

LOVE your signature, btw :.D


One small correction...

had their way with him" all night long in their apartment (the word "rape" was never used in the episode).

The word "rape" is used in the episode. In the scene where Henry encourages Monroe to report the incident to the police, and Monroe says that he is reluctant because of the way that female rape victims are treated in the movies.

Perhaps you saw a version edited for broadcast.
