Sexy show

My God, think about it: Knight was surrounded by not two but three sexy broads, one of them being Nancy Dussault as his very attractive and slightly younger wife. I loved this show for many reasons, not the least of which was seeing these three beautiful gals do their thing each week. The blonde daughter couldn't have been more overtly sexual, and yet the buck-toothed brunette had something going on as well. My God, how I would have loved to live in that house. Or in Jack Tripper's apartment. I'd have been all over those two.


couldn't agree more !


I third the motion on that! WOW! The women on Three's Company and the women on Too Close For Comfort was very hot! I was 8 years old at the time when this show was on in 1980 and when it went off I was 13 years old. Old enough to start becoming a hormone raging teenager. LOL


I agree, except I wouldn't call Jackie "buck toothed." She had a slight irregularity with her two front teeth, just enough to give her some character. Even April had some charm,.... when she wasn't inviting weirdos to the house. The only regular characters I hated were Muriel's mom and Henry's dad. HE was the worst.


Sara really filled out the sweaters she wore!


Hell yeah, and those doe eyes of hers! Gorgeous!!
