IS there a reunion show

Just wondering

if there was or will be maybe a show about this


Didn't Ted die almost immediately after it was cancelled?


The show last ran in 1985 and then Ted died in 1986. No time for a reunion show....not sure it would've gotten one anyways. It was never on the level of a Cheers or Happy Days.


Too Close for Confort was still in production when Ted Knight became ill. The show was slated for 7 more episodes at the time of his death. Sourse....IMDb trivia.


There is one of those 'behind the scenes' shows about Ted Knight and it has a lot of testimonials from the cast / crew reminiscing about different subjects - including 'the Monroe question.'

"El riesgo vive siempre!"


It is a shame because I would love to see a reunion done because it has been ages since I have seen this show on TV. The last time I saw it in syndication I would have to say during the 80's. That is how long ago it was. I think it was picked up by a couple of stations. I am not sure on that but do not quote me though.


It would be wonderful if a, "Too Close For Comfort," reunion special was to be made. Nancy, Deborah, Lydia, Jim, and the surviving castmates can get together and share their stories.


Yes it would be wonderful if they had a "Too Close For Comfort", reunion special was made. All of the remaining cast members could get together like you said and talk about the show and all. I mean the good times and the funniest moments of the show. I would not mind that at all. Possibly even a 2 hour special would be cool to see.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


too bad they didn't keep making it and have the girls back in black mini's for the funneral

six more episodes of Jakie and Sara , yes opertunity missed



I know what you mean about continue in making the show. It could have been cool to see a few more episodes with the ladies in it. Well I guess they felt that after Ted Knight passed away the ratings would drop and that is why they canceled the show. That is my theory on that.

I wished that Nick@Nite or TV Land would show this on their networks. It would be nice to watch once again. It has to be over 20 years since the last time I have seen this on TV in reruns.

Where I live at I feel they need a TV station like what Chicago and Milwaukee has which is called ME TV. They only show classic TV shows.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!


my theory was the ratings when up at first cause of the chicks in skimpy attire

Imagine a scene were monroe is buried alive with the olde dad while the girly's party on his coffin !!! true 1980's comedy .....



You are possibly correct on that because I thought both of the women were hot on this show! That would have been hilarous to see but it would have been disrespectful though to do.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!


I was shocked at this topic since they never even got to finish this show since Ted Knight died while they were still making it!! Too bad since they could've finished that season and gone on for at least another season or 2!

NOW can they please at least release all seasons on DVD??

RIP Ted Knight
